Is it the lightness of the symptoms?

White fluent, as a common colored skin derelict disease, is well known for its significant white specks. Many patients and bystanders often judge the weight of the disease on the basis of the dark colour of the white, which means that it is lighter. However, is this intuitive judgement really accurate?

The relationship between white spots and the development of the condition

The white-coloured color of the blizzard is not the only criterion for determining the severity of the condition, but it does provide some useful information. At different stages of the platinum, the colours of the white spots change, and these changes reflect the degree of damage to melanoid cell function.

Early: In the early days of the white phoenix, the white colours are usually sharp, either white or near white. At that time, the melanoid cell function had begun to be impaired but had not yet been completely lost.

Period of progress: As the condition progresses, the white-coloured colour may fade down to light white or milk white. This does not mean that the condition is reduced, but rather that the melanoid cell function is further impaired.

Stabilization period: During the stabilization period, white-coloured colours may remain the same or change slightly, but usually do not become lighter or deeper. At this stage, the melanoid cell function is in a relatively stable state.

Does light colour mean lightness?

Although white-coloured colours reflect to some extent the degree of damage to melanoid cell function, they are not directly used to determine the weight of the disease. Because of the complexity of the development of white phoenix, it is affected by a variety of factors, including genetics, immunization, the environment, etc.

Individual differences: The skin tissues of different patients are sensitive to colour loss, so that even at the same stage, the white colours of different patients may vary.

Incidence fluctuations: Typhoon is a chronic skin disease that can fluctuate over time. As a result, the depth of the white-coloured colour may also vary with the fluctuations in the condition.

Complications: White Typhoon may also be associated with other complications such as autoimmune diseases, thyroid diseases, etc. The severity of these complications is not directly related to white colour but may affect the overall condition.

How can we be right about the severity of the disease?

Accurate assessment of the severity of the condition requires a combination of aspects:

White spots: The size of white spots is one of the key indicators for determining the severity of the disease. The larger the area, the greater the extent to which the melanoid cell function is impaired.

Number of white spots: The number of white spots also reflects the weight of the condition. The greater the number, the more serious it is.

Symptoms associated with the appearance of symptoms such as itching, pain and bruises may also indicate a heavier condition. The length of the illness: the longer it is, the more stubborn it is, the more difficult it is to treat it.

The PRP-CK national pigmentine transplant uses the special features of self-skin, non-spectrum, non-exposure, light skin loss, high survival rate, and white-coloured nature. In particular, it is suited to the persistent and stubborn white wind.