It looks simple, but it’s the best medicine for people with leukaemia!

It looks simple, but it’s the best medicine for people with leukaemia!

Leukemia is a malignant neoplasm of the blood-producing system with symptoms of anaemia, haemorrhage and infection. While leukaemia treatment relies mainly on Western medicine for chemotherapy, target-oriented treatment and blood stem cell transplants, Chinese medicine also plays a role in the management of leukaemia patients, in increasing their immunity and in reducing the risk of infection. The following are three types of Chinese medicine that are often used by persons with leukaemia to regulate:

1. Yellow Slurpium

Efficacy: Accumulation of the sun, quenching of the surface, swollen water. Yellowapple is a common aerobic drug that enhances the health and immunity of patients.

Application: For persons with leukaemia, yellow tungsten can help to improve the symptoms of disease-induced physical infirmity, gas blood deficiency, etc.

2. Danzin

Efficacy: live haemorrhaging, cold bleeding. The role of Dansin in promoting blood circulation and preventing the formation of haemorrhages is to regulate abnormal haemorrhagic symptoms in persons with leukaemia.

Application: Danzin can be used to regulate blood bruising in persons with leukaemia, improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of haemorrhage.

3. Return

Efficacy: Rehabilitation, dyslexia. As a common rehab drug, it can increase the number of red cells and haemoglobins and improve the symptoms of anaemia.

Application: For persons with leukaemia, it can help to improve the symptoms of anaemia and the reduction of slabs due to the disease. At the same time, when the return has a certain anti-cancer effect, it can inhibit the growth and spread of tumour cells.


Individual differences: The use of Chinese medicine requires individualization of the patient ‘ s body and condition. It is therefore essential that the above-mentioned medicines be used under the direction of a doctor.

Drug interaction: Chinese medicine may interact with Western medicine when persons with leukaemia undergo chemotherapy or target treatment. It is therefore important to consult a doctor or pharmacist before using Chinese medicine.

Avoiding blind use: Although Chinese medicine has some effect, it does not completely cure leukaemia. The patient should therefore avoid the blind use of Chinese medicine and delay the situation.

On the basis of the above, the best-chosen medicine for people suffering from leukaemia, Dansin and others, respectively. However, the use of Chinese medicine needs to be done under the guidance of a doctor to ensure safety and effectiveness. At the same time, patients should actively cooperate with Western medical treatment programmes in order to achieve optimal treatment.

Access to blood rehabilitation in November 2024 (consultations are provided free of charge on a temporary basis until the end of the month)

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