As the pace of modern life accelerates, the incidence of stomach diseases increases every year. Life habits such as stress on life, irregular diets and long-term drinking and smoking can lead to stomach health problems. This paper will focus on a common, but easily neglected, stomach disease – gastroentery. Stomachitis is one of the types of stomach inflammation that is characterized by curvature damage to the surface of the stomach mucous membrane. The treatment was delayed due to the relatively minor initial symptoms, many of which were not detected in time. From symptoms to causes, to treatment and prevention, this paper will provide you with a detailed analysis of the whole picture of this stomach condition. From where? Stomachitis is caused by a variety of causes, including, more commonly, irregular diets, frequent consumption of spicy irritating foods, long-term use of certain drugs (such as NSAIDs), excessive drinking, smoking and even excessive stress and psychological stress. It can be a source of gastroenteritis. In dealing with these external irritation, the body is vulnerable to damage to its gastric mucus, which leads to the occurrence of rot. Stomachitis not only causes stomach pain, stomach discomfort, anti-acid symptoms, but may further develop into ulcer and, in serious cases, increase the risk of stomach cancer. We should therefore pay attention to the disease, both in terms of daily life and in terms of medicine. What is the danger of this stomach disease? The damage to gastroenteritis is not only due to short-term stomach discomfort. Long and repeated damage to the gastric mucous membranes reduces the ability to protect the stomach and makes the stomach environment more vulnerable to pathogen microorganisms and harmful substances, which can lead to a range of stomach diseases such as stomach ulcer, stomach haemorrhage and even stomach cancer. According to a study published in Gastroentology [1], the long-term use of inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is an important contributing factor to gastrointestinal inflammation. The study indicated that NSAIDs inhibited the synthesis of prostates in the gastric mucous membrane, leading to a decrease in the protection of the gastric mucous membrane and increasing the risk of damage to the gastric mucous membrane. Treatment: How to respond effectively to gastroenteritis? Treatment for gastroenteritis requires a comprehensive programme that includes drug treatment, lifestyle change and dietary adjustment. The treatment consists mainly of proton pump inhibitors (e.g., Ace Omera) and H2 receptor stressants, which protect the gastric mucous membranes by inhibiting gastric acidization. In addition to drug treatment, lifestyle adjustments are crucial. For example, cessation of alcohol, avoidance of ingestion of spicy and irritating foods, regular diets and stress relief can be effective in reducing damage to stomach mucus. Studies have shown that regular diets and moderate movements can significantly reduce the incidence of stomachitis [2]. The key to the prevention of gastroenteritis is to develop good habits. First, the long-term use of a drug irritating the stomach mucous membrane should be avoided as far as possible and, if necessary, under the direction of a doctor. Second, to protect stomach health through good eating habits. Regular meals, avoiding excessive consumption of spicy and greasy foods, help to maintain stomach health. In addition, proper motor and stress management is essential to prevent stomach disease. A study published in the European Journal of gastrointestinal pathology [3] notes that moderate aerobic motion not only enhances health but also helps to reduce psychological stress, thereby reducing the incidence of stomach disease. The future outlook for stomach health: the promise of new technologies has been greatly improved in the treatment of stomach diseases with advances in technology. Endoscopy techniques, for example, play an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of gastroenteritis. Through an endoscopy, doctors are able to observe first-hand the conditions of the gastric mucous membranes and to detect and treat, in a timely manner, pathologies such as ulcer. In addition, new drug treatment programmes and precision medical technologies offer new hope for effective management of stomach diseases. In the face of stomach disease, we need not only scientific treatment, but also a positive mindset. The occurrence of disease is often linked to our way of life. It is, therefore, the conviction that we all should uphold to confront disease, to cooperate actively in its treatment and to prevent it through scientific lifestyles.
Family care: the key to patient recovery
The care and support of family members is also very important for people suffering from diarrhea. Families need to focus not only on their diet and use of medication, but also on psychological support and encouragement. A positive family climate and a good psychological state facilitate the rehabilitation of patients.