It’s mostly because of them.

The secondary occurrence of leukaemia is a complex problem involving a number of factors. For young white patients, it is essential to understand and avoid these factors that may lead to recurrence. The following are some of the main factors that may lead to the recurrence of leukaemia and the corresponding preventive measures:


1. Overwork: Patients are working hard after they have stabilized in order to reduce family stress, but are not yet fully recovered and, if they are exhausted and less resilient, may lead to a recurrence of leukemia.

2. Unsatisfied diet: Big fish meat and greasy consumption can increase the spleen function and affect health.

3. Unusual: Frequently staying up and living in irregular conditions disrupts the biological clock and affects the normal functioning of the immune system.

4. Brushing mouths with raw water, rather than white water, leads to bacteria entering the body to form an infected stove.

Preventive measures:

Maintain a moderate exercise to avoid overwork.

2. A balanced diet in order to avoid diarrhea.

3. To maintain good habits, to get up early and to ensure adequate sleep.

4. The importance of water for mouthwashing is crucial, with many small whites stepping through the pits and drawing conclusions from their own experience.

II. Inadequate treatment

1. Small residues: After treatment, there may still be tiny cancer cells in the body that may re-emerge and lead to a relapse into leukaemia, but the patient does not want to continue to suffer and choose to give up.

Genetic mutations: Some cancer cells may undergo genetic mutations in the course of treatment and acquire the ability to resist treatment, thus reducing the effectiveness of current treatment.

Preventive measures:

1. To complete the full course of treatment, as recommended by the doctor.

2. Periodic reviews are conducted to detect and treat micro-stoves in a timely manner.

3. Consider the use of more sophisticated methods of testing for possible genetic mutations.

III. Immunological system disorders

Declining immune system functionality: The immune system plays a key role in monitoring and controlling abnormal cell growth. When the immune system is down, it may not be possible to effectively remove remaining leukaemia cells.

Preventive measures:

Maintaining good nutrition and increasing immunity.

Avoid exposure to factors that may cause damage to the immune system, such as radiation exposure, chemical substances, etc.

3. If necessary, the use of immunosuppressants to increase immunity may be considered.

IV. Generating resistance

Leukemia cell resistance: leukemia cells may develop resistance, making previously used anti-cancer drugs ineffective. When leukaemia cells become resistant, the efficacy of the treatment is reduced, leading to a relapse.

genomic damage and uniformity of genetic expression in acute marrow leukaemia (AML) resistance model

Preventive measures:

1. Periodic drug resistance testing to detect and address drug resistance in a timely manner.

2. Consider the use of multi-drug combination therapy to improve efficacy and reduce drug resistance.

Other factors

Physical and mental stress: In addition to physical stress, psychological stress can lead to a recurrence of leukemia. Negative emotions, such as anger and depression, can affect the flow of blood and lead to hysteria.

Environmental factors: Long-term exposure to occupational cancer may also increase the risk of re-emergence of leukaemia.

Preventive measures:

1. To remain happy and avoid excessive anxiety and depression.

Reduce or avoid occupational carcinogenic environmental exposure and conduct periodic medical examinations.

Based on the above, re-emergence of leukaemia may involve several factors. In the face of these problems, it is important that young white patients take care and take appropriate preventive measures to reduce the risk of relapse. At the same time, it is recommended that this information be collected and transmitted in order to make it more widely known and relevant.

Blood rehabilitation corridors in December 2024 (consultations are provided free of charge on a temporary basis until the end of the month)

We’re looking for 70 people with blood abnormalities, and we have a clinical teacher from a professional Chinese-Western medical team of specialists to help us analyze the situation and get to know the truth about blood disease!

# Don’t forget, ask attention #

I’ll teach you a good way to get rid of the disease!