It’s not easy for oncologists to eat common “inflammation” food, and it’s hard to metabolize to drink more water!

In the case of oncological patients, there is a real need to pay special attention to diets and to avoid over-ingestion of “inflammation” foods, which can exacerbate inflammation responses in the body, to the detriment of disease control and rehabilitation. Following are some of the common “inflammation” foods that patients on tumours should avoid or minimize, as well as recommendations on drinking water:

Common “promoting” food

Red meat.

They include pork, beef, lamb, etc., where saturated fatty acid levels are high and can cause inflammation.

It is recommended that patients on tumours take appropriate amounts of white meat, such as fish, shrimp, chicken, duck, which contain higher levels of unsaturated fatty acids and are more inhibitive of inflammation.

Processed food

Such as cream cakes, biscuits, chips, chocolates, burgers, chicken fried chips, etc., usually contain more trans-fat acids and additives and are prone to inflammation.

Oncological patients should avoid or reduce ingestion of such food and choose fresh, natural food.

High sugar.

Among them are candy, ice cream, ice cream, sugar-bearing drinks, which can be cold and white if they are particularly hot in the summer, and the sugar in these foods is disproportionately subdivided, which can lead to an increase in inflammation and inflammation.

Oncological patients should avoid overingestion of sugar and choose low sugar or sugar-free food.

Fried food.

The fried food contains large amounts of fat, and high-fat food can easily stimulate the body to create immune factors and inflammation.

Oncological patients should avoid or reduce their consumption of fried food and choose healthy cooking methods such as evaporation and cooking.

High salt food

For example, pickles, pickles, lasagna, milk, etc., high-saline food can destroy the good fungus in the intestinal tract and cause intestinal inflammation.

Oncological patients should avoid overingestion of salt and choose low salt or non-salt food.

Water advice

Oncological patients have access to appropriate quantities of drinking water, which helps to promote metabolism, maintain body water balance and support certain treatment processes.

However, excessive drinking water may lead to electrolyte disorders and increased CPR loads, requiring careful management of water intake.

In some cases, such as when the kidney function is impaired or there is oedema, patients on tumours need to limit their water intake.

In general, oncological patients need special attention in their diets to avoid over-ingestion of `inflammation’ food and to choose fresh, natural, low sugar, low salt and low fat food. At the same time, adequate quantities of drinking water are maintained and adequate water intake is maintained, but excessive quantities of drinking water are avoided in order to prevent an increased kidney burden. In addition, patients on tumours should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and cooperate with the doctor ‘ s treatment and advice to better control their condition and rehabilitation.

Oncological rehabilitation corridors in November 2024 (consultations are provided free of charge on a temporary basis until the end of the month)

We’re looking for 50 oncological patients, with a clinical teacher from a professional Chinese-Western medical team of specialists, to help you analyze the situation, so that you can understand the truth about the tumor!

# Don’t forget, ask attention #

I’ll teach you a good way to get rid of the disease!