It’s the pain after the sharp hysteria.
The pain caused by the surgery may have been caused by skin trauma following the operation, but it may also have been caused by skin infections, requiring treatment with a combination of oral external drugs to avoid further aggravation.
Pictures of early sharp hysteria.
1- Skin trauma: When patients with acute hysteria undergo partial surgical treatment, anaesthesia is usually injected and may cause some damage to the skin during treatment, such as breakage, tissue seepage, etc., with symptoms of skin swelling and pain, especially when the effects of the anesthesia disappear. At this point, patients can use drugs such as erythrocycin capsules and head scrunches for anti-inflammation treatment under the direction of a doctor, and if the pain is severe, the medications such as Bloffins can be used to relieve the pain.
Skin infections: If the wound is not healthy and the care work is not performed after the sharp hysteria, the skin may be infected with bacterial infections, and the skin may be swollen, painfully irritated by inflammating factors and, in serious cases, impermeable. Patients, under the guidance of a doctor, can use erythroacin ointment or Mopero ointment to improve local inflammation response, which can facilitate rapid skin recovery and improvement.
In case of chronic symptoms of local pain, patients with acute hysteria must be referred to the hospital for re-diagnosis, such as skin lenses, tissue pathology, etc., and be careful to keep the skin of the wound dry, clean and contribute to its recovery.
A research paper by the Yuga Institute of HIV Medicine, Nanjing, published in the Chinese Journal of Sex Sciences, 2019: The use of patented Chinese prescriptions for the treatment of a large-sized anal hysteria.
The aim is to explore new methods of off-the-shelf treatment of large, sharp and humid herbs in patented prescriptions. The methodology is based on the study of a case of a huge, sharp and humid anal week treated by the Yoga Institute of HIV Medicine in Nanjing in June 2017. Using patented Chinese preparations, patients are given a week-long treatment to observe and record their return. As a result, the patient was male, 52 years old, and had anal dysentery for 0.5 years. Medical examination: The anal door is covered by a length of 165 mm, with a diameter of 113 mm and a fragrance, and is diagnosed by pathology as sharp and wet. After three weeks of treatment, only 30 mm left and 16 mm left. The 8th week of the visit, the skin was completely removed and the skin returned to normal. Promulgated off-the-shelf washing of Chinese pharmacists has opened up a new treatment for large-scale, sharp-wetting treatment.
This paper, which was uploaded by Lee Xing Chun of the Yucheng Institute of HIV Medicine in Nanjing, is available only for the general medical knowledge, and any advice on disease or medication is not a substitute for an in-person diagnosis by a medical practitioner. In case of infringement, the link is deleted.