Just talking about heart failure and attention.

Just talking about heart failure and attention.

Cardiac failure is a syndrome of various heart diseases that cause heart failure. Clinics are more frequent and more frequent among older persons, and here is a discussion of common causes of heart failure, symptoms, signs, treatment and health education. The underlying causes of heart failure are myocardial infarction, myocardiosis, cardiacitis, cortex disease, heart disorder, etc. Most of the heart failure is incurable, and it shows a downward trend, a slow decline if the indicators are controlled, with little impact on the quality of life, but if the indicators are poorly controlled, they can easily turn into a steep slope that endangers life. And there is one kind of heart failure that can be cured, and why is it possible, not possible, because if it is an outbreak, the survival rate is low, and there is also the fact that viral heartitis causes a long delay. Delays are too long and can easily cause irreversible damage to myocardial muscles, which is not easily restored. So it’s important that we get to the doctor in a timely manner. What do we need? The main symptoms and signs of heart failure are described below. Symptoms of heart failure are manifested in the inability to sleep flat at night, the need to sit up, the apparent asthma symptoms of walking or climbing on the third floor, a marked decrease in urine and, in some cases, coughing. Coughs are due to two causes: the first heart failure is accompanied by pulmonary oedema, and the textbooks contain pink foam coughing, which is less clinically encountered. The second is that heart failure is the most common and most important cause of the disease, and that lung infections are the most frequent and easily occurring, so it manifests itself in cough. The most visible signs are the edema of the lower limb (which can be applied to the front side of the pressurized calve by itself near the bone, with the dent being the oedema). If the patient is in bed for a long period of time, see if there is denture oedema in the downside. When heart failure is severe, it can be seen as edema. Doctors may have a loudspeaker, depending on the patient ‘ s illness. Treatment of heart failure: The first step in the treatment of heart failure is to suck oxygen and raise the bed. The medication for heart failure is a very early “strength, urine, blood vessels” and then slowly pulls the strong-hearted position back to the altar and later to the “gold triangle”: a hysterone receptor (pylene, etc.), an vascular stressor enzyme inhibitor (Benapli, etc.) or an vascular stressor II receptor (saltan, etc.), an β receptor retardant (bethalek, etc.). The post-Sakuba Zathan replaced the vascular stressor II receptor receptor, and later added the sodium glucose to the “new four” of the protein 2 inhibitor (Dag field, etc.) and now to the “five gold flowers” of the soluble bird cyst (sGC) irritator (Vilicion). There are also surgical methods such as CRT and ICD. During treatment of patients with cardiac failure, there is a high rate of blood pumping due to the large amount of potassium ions lost in the urine of patients with the application of drugs such as urea, which is largely associated with urine. The first is to assess whether the urea dose is appropriate, and the second is to provide a basis for the review of the potassium ion concentration in blood as a supplement to the oral potassium ion and for how long, to avoid the occurrence of excessive or too low levels of potassium ion in the blood, leading to some cardiac disorders or even sudden deaths. Health education for heart failure: First diet: requires low-salt diets, especially salt, and excessive salt intake, which causes sodium sodium retention to cause oedema, sodium herb in Chinese medicine also causes sodium retention, and the Chinese medicine is carefully formulated. Salt intake is up to 6 g per person per day, and the bottle cover of the daily beer bottle is about 6 g flat, whichever is the same. Low-fat diet: It is recommended to eat more white meat, less red meat, white meat: mainly fresh fish, shrimp, chicken, and red meat: mainly pork, lamb, beef. Second: Stop smoking, limit alcohol, and both smoke and alcohol increase the process of arterial sclerosis, thus increasing myocardiosis and further heart failure. But the smoke has to stop, not more than once a week, not more than two doses at a time. Here, wine is also wine, and many patients in clinical encounter consider it not wine. Third: Avoid heavy manual labour and exercise with aerobics. Heart failure patients laugh that they are “rich” because they are unable to carry out heavy physical activity, which results in chest asthma and even sudden acute heart failure requiring hospitalization. Appropriate aerobics can contribute to improved CPR functions and increased immunization. Fourth: The focus is on avoiding cold, which is a small disease for ordinary people, but which may be a major one for people suffering from heart failure, and we suggest that they receive timely treatment after three days without any significant or even aggravating effect. Fifthly, it is important to remain happy. You can sing, listen to music, etc. Cardiac failure is characterized by high rates of illness, mortality and hospitalization, with varying degrees of impact on the quality of life of patients and high economic stress. Here, a little professional guidance is given to patients by speaking about the causes of heart failure, symptoms, signs, treatments and health education, so as to alleviate their suffering, understand them, comfort them and treat them. It is hoped that, as medical progress continues, the suffering of patients will be further addressed and they will enjoy a healthy and well-being.

Heart failure. Unspecific.