Rheumatism is a chronic self-immunizing disease and patients have many taboos that require attention in their daily lives. Understanding and complying with these taboos help to better control the conditions, reduce the suffering caused by the onset of the disease and improve the quality of life.
1. Obedience of sugary foods: excessive ingestion of sugary foods such as candy, cake and beverages can lead to an increase in blood sugar, which in turn produces the end-of-life end-of-life end-of-life end-of-life sugar. Such substances may increase the response to arthritis, which increases the pain and swelling of the joint and is not conducive to stability and recovery. 2. Obsessed fat foods: such as fried foods, animal organs, butter products, etc., are rich in saturated fats and trans-fats. They can cause obesity and increase the burden of joints, while they may also contribute to inflammation media in the body, further exacerbating the inflammation state in patients with rheumatism and disrupting normal immune functions. 3. Anti-saline foods: excessive salt intake can cause sodium sodium retention, causing joint oedema, increasing joint pain and rigidity. Common high salt foods such as pickled pickles, salted fish, processed meat, etc. should be kept to a minimum.
1. Prohibition of smoking and drinking: Tobacco use is one of the major contributing factors to rheumatism, and harmful substances such as nicotine in tobacco can damage inner-vascular cells, affect the blood circulation and nutritional supply of the joints and interfere with the immune system and aggravate inflammation. Drinking can increase the liver burden, affect drug metabolism, and alcohol itself can stimulate joints and exacerbate conditions. 2. Overwork: Long periods of physical labour or high-intensity sports, work can cause excessive wear and tear of the joints, and exhausted bodies can lead to reduced immunity. Patients with rheumatism and hysteria should be reasonably accommodated to avoid long periods of continuous work, to ensure adequate rest and to restore the joint and body. 3. Cold and humid environments: cold and humid conditions cause a constriction of the blood vessels around the joints and a lack of blood circulation, leading to a marked increase in joint pain and rigidity. Patients should, as far as possible, avoid living in damp houses, take care to keep warm and add clothing in a timely manner in cold weather, especially to protect vulnerable joints.
1. Prohibition of self-reducing: The treatment of rheumatism is a long-term process in which many patients stop or reduce their own medications after a slight reduction in symptoms, which is a very dangerous behaviour. This can lead to repeated or aggravated conditions and further deterioration of joint damage. Medicines should be taken on time and in accordance with the instructions of the doctor, and the treatment should be reviewed regularly and the treatment should be adapted to the situation. Anti-drug abuse: Some patients take so-called “special effects drugs” on their own without a doctor’s permission, or use in large quantities anti-inflammatory drugs. Certain “special effects drugs” are unknown and may contain a large number of harmful substances, such as hormones, and although they may appear to be effective in the short term, their long-term use can lead to serious side effects, such as osteoporosis and bone failure. Excessive use of non-paralytic anti-inflammatory drugs can also cause adverse effects such as gastrointestinal haemorrhage and damage to liver and kidney function.