In modern life, a disease called ulcer colonitis is gradually drawing attention. The disease not only inflicts physical suffering on patients, but also has a serious impact on the quality of life. So, what’s ulcer coliitis? Let’s find out.
I. What’s ulcer enteritis?
The ulcer colonitis is a chronic, non-specific intestinal disease. It primarily affects mucous membranes in the colon and rectal, leading to ulcer, haemorrhage and inflammation in the mucous membrane. The causes of ulcer colonitis are not currently known, but may be related to genetic, environmental, immune factors.
II. Symptoms
This is one of the most common symptoms of ulcer colonitis. Patients may experience frequent diarrhoea, usually in paste or water, and sometimes with blood and slime. The frequency and severity of diarrhoea varies from a few cases per day to as many as a dozen.
2. Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain is also one of the common symptoms of ulcer colonitis. The pain is usually in the lower left abdomen, but it may also affect the whole abdomen. The degree of pain can range from mild innuendo to severe sting.
3. Pee blood
As a result of the damage to the intestinal mucous membrane, the patient may experience symptoms of defecation. Blood can be red or dark, and hemorrhaging can vary from person to person. Severe constipation can lead to complications such as anaemia.
Other symptoms
In addition to the symptoms described above, ulcer coliitis can cause other symptoms, such as lack of appetite, loss of weight, fever, fatigue, etc.
1. Medical history and symptoms
Doctors ask about patients’ symptoms, medical history, family history, etc. to understand possible causes.
Medical examination
A full medical examination, including abdominal examination, rectal examination, etc., is performed to assess the patient ‘ s condition.
Laboratory inspection
Laboratory examinations help doctors to understand the extent of inflammation, anaemia, etc. Common screening programmes include blood protocol, C reaction protein, blood sunk, faeces routine, etc.
4. colonoscopy
colonoscopy is one of the important methods of diagnosis of ulcer colonitis. Through colonoscopy, doctors are able to directly observe intestinal mucous membranes and conduct biopsy to determine diagnosis.
IV. Therapeutic approach
1. Drug treatment
(1) Amino-hydrazole formulations, such as nitrous sulfamide, mesalazine, etc., are common drugs for ulcer colonitis. These drugs can contain intestinal inflammation and relieve symptoms.
(2) Sugar cortex hormones: For patients with more severe conditions, the doctor may treat them with sugar cortex hormones. Sugar cortex hormones can alleviate inflammation quickly, but there may be some side effects of long-term use.
(3) Immunosuppressants: In cases where the treatment of amino-water gyanic acid formulations and sugar cortex hormones is ineffective, doctors may use immunosuppressants. Immunosuppressants can inhibit the functioning of the immune system and reduce the inflammatory response.
(4) Biological agents: Biological agents have also been widely used in recent years in the treatment of ulcer colonitis. Biological agents can specifically inhibit inflammation factors and have better effects on some patients with difficult ulcers.
If the medication is ineffective, or if the patient has serious complications such as intestine piercing, haemorrhage, etc., the doctor may recommend surgery. The procedure involves, inter alia, whole colon mutilation and reintestinal oral surgery.
V. Preventive measures
1. A reasonable diet
The diet is balanced, with more food rich in food, such as vegetables, fruits and whole grain, and less spicy, greasy and irritating food. Avoid eating food that can cause allergies.
2. Regular life
Maintaining a regular life and avoiding late hours and overwork. Appropriate physical exercise and physical improvement.
3. Attention to hygiene
Have good hygiene habits and wash your hands before eating. Avoid eating unclean food and drinking raw water.
4. Reducing pressure
Long-term stress can induce ulcer enteritis. Therefore, learn to regulate your emotions and reduce stress. It can be relaxed by listening to music, tourism, sports, etc.
In conclusion, ulcer colonitis is a serious intestinal disease that requires our utmost attention. In the event of symptoms such as diarrhoea, abdominal pain and consanguinic blood, prompt medical treatment, diagnosis and treatment should be provided. At the same time, we must be careful to prevent ulcers and to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
An ulcer colonitis.