Knowledge of cuisine cancer: prevention and treatment

Knowledge of oesophagus cancer: Prevention and treatment of oesophagus is a common digestive malignant tumour, with global increases in morbidity and mortality. The incidence of oesophagus is associated with a number of factors, such as eating habits, smoking, drinking, genetic factors, etc. Knowledge of cuisine cancer is important for the prevention and early detection and treatment of the disease.I. Causes of edible cancerEating habits: Long-term consumption of hot, rough or pickled foods, such as hot soup, hot pots, pickles, etc., can cause repeated damage to edible mucous membranes and increase the risk of cancer. In addition, vitamins and micronutrient deficiencies, such as vitamin A, C, E and zinc and selenium, may be associated with the occurrence of edible cancer.Smoking and alcohol consumption: Smoking and alcohol consumption are important risk factors for oesophagus cancer. Harmful substances in tobacco can directly damage edible mucous membranes, while alcohol can stimulate edible mucous membranes, making them more vulnerable to injury and cancer. Genetic factors: Esophagus cancer has a certain genetic tendency, and if there are cases of oesophagus cancer in the family, the risk of the disease increases for other members. 4. Other factors: Diseases such as gastro-eating and barrett can also increase the risk of edible cancer. In addition, prolonged exposure to asbestos, radioactive substances, etc. may be associated with oesophagus cancer.II. Symptoms of edible cancerEarly symptoms of oesophagus cancer are often invisible and easily neglected. As the condition progresses, the patient may experience the following symptoms:1. The difficulty of swallowing: This is the most common symptom of oesophagus cancer, which may initially be difficult to swallow only dry and hard food, and can become difficult to swallow as the disease increases.2. Post-brand pain: When eating food, the patient may feel post-brand or upper abdominal pain, which may be of a nature to burn samples, needles or tow. 3. Declining body weight: Reduced diet of patients due to difficulties in swallowing, combined with tumour consumption, can lead to a gradual loss of body weight.3. Vomitation: When the tumour clogged the oesophagus, the patient may suffer the symptoms of vomiting, which may contain food residues, slime or blood.4. Sound screech: If a tumour strikes the larynx back to the nerve, it causes a palpable acoustic paralysis and acoustic screech.In the event of the above symptoms, the medical treatment should be performed in a timely manner and the relevant examinations carried out in order to clearly diagnose them.Diagnosis of cuisine cancer1. Endoscopy: The endoscopy is an important method of diagnosing oesophagus cancer by which changes in the morphology, colour, texture, etc. of the mucous oesophagus can be directly observed, and the tissue can be taken for a pathological examination to make a clear diagnosis. I don’t know.Video-censorship: Common video-censorship methods include X-line food imaging, CT, MRI, etc. These examinations help doctors to understand the location, size, morphology, extent of abuse and transfer.Pathological examination: The pathological examination is the gold standard for the diagnosis of oesophagus cancer, which allows for the determination of the type of tumor, the degree of differentiation, etc., by means of a pathological analysis of the tissue taken from the inner lens.IV. Treatment of edible cancerThe treatment of edible cancer consists mainly of surgical treatment, treatment, chemotherapy and combination therapy. The choice of treatment depends on such factors as the tumour ‘ s stage and the physical condition of the patient. 1. Surgery: Surgery is the preferred method of treating oesophagus cancer, and for early oesophagus cancer, it can have a cure. The procedures include oesophagus cancer treatment, oesophagus gastrophagus, etc.2. Release: This can be used for pre-operative, post-operative and palliative care for end-of-life oesophagus cancer. Rehabilitation can kill tumor cells by radioactivity, relieve symptoms and prolong the patient ‘ s life.3. Chemotherapy: chemotherapy can be used for pre-operative, pre-operative, post-operative and end-of-life cuisine cancer treatment. Chemotherapy can be circulated to the whole body, killing tumor cells.4. Integrated treatment: Comprehensive treatment methods such as surgical combination therapy, chemotherapy, or therapeutic combination therapy are often required for patients with mid- and late-stage oesophagus cancer. Comprehensive treatment increases the effectiveness of treatment and prolongs the life of the patient.V. Prevention of edible cancer1. Changing eating habits: Avoid eating used, rough or pickled food, eating more fresh vegetables and fruit and increasing intake of vitamins and micronutrients.2. Prohibition of alcohol: Smoking and drinking are important risk factors for oesophagus cancer and should be avoided as far as possible.3. Active treatment of oesophagus: For diseases such as gastrophagus, barrette, etc., the risk of oesophagus cancer should be reduced. 4. Periodic medical check-ups: periodic check-ups, especially for high-risk groups, such as long-term smokers, alcoholics, family members with oesophagus cancer, etc., should be conducted regularly for endoscopy so as to allow early detection and treatment of oesophagus.Overall, oesophagus cancer is a serious threat to human health associated with a number of factors. It is important to improve the survival and quality of life of patients by learning about cuisine cancer and taking effective preventive measures and early detection and treatment of cuisine cancer. Illustrative lymphoma of the primary oesophagus