Knowledge of heart failure: Heart fatigue and guardian

In the field of medicine, heart failure (abbreviated heart failure) is like a hidden and gruesome storm, which sapps the very foundations of the proper functioning of the heart and casts a heavy shadow over the lives of countless patients. It is not a single disease, but a serious end in which cardiovascular problems converge and deserve our insight and our full attention.

Heart failure, heart imbalance.

The heart, this body’s “engine of life”, like a precision pump that doesn’t stop day and night. In normal conditions, it is strained, pushing oxygen-rich and nutrient-rich blood to the body, to the body, to the body, to the body, to the body, to the body, to the body, to the body, to the body, to the body, and to the back of the veins, to maintain a smooth and stable blood cycle. However, this perfect rhythm is broken when heart failure strikes. The capacity of the pump is significantly reduced by long-term pressure (e.g., high blood pressure, excessive external resistance to the heart, continued high-intensity “labour”), disease erosion (cronary heart disease causing myocardiasis, loss of myocardial “force” and damage to “works”). At first, the heart tried to compensate for the loss by means of a system of retributive mechanisms, such as dysentery and gravitational muscles, which could be followed by a series of symptoms once the load exceeded the limit, the replacement failed, the heart output declined, organs were underfilled, and blood silt was accumulated.

Clinical performance: “SOS” from body

Respiration is often a visible warning of heart failure. In the early stages of labour, patients who crawl and walk quickly feel suffocated and anxious to breathe in their chests, and if they hold the airpipe in their invisible hands, they need a breath stop to relieve them; the progress of their condition, when they breathe in silence, they even awake at night, and when they feel comfortable, they need to sit at the end, which is typical of “sit-sit-sit-sit-sit” and “night-scattered breathing difficulties”, which are strong indications because of the lack of good pulmonary blood and the disruption of gas exchange.

Euphoria, which starts at the low end of the body, starts with an ankle, a calf, a finger-pression with a permutation of the skin, as if it were in a soft mud, a slight reduction in the morning, spreads to the thigh, abdomen and even to the whole body as the condition deteriorates, with breast water and abdominal water, at the root of which is a lack of blood from the heart pump, a blockage in the flow of veins, and leaching fluids.

Irritated, tired and out-of-charged lights, patients who are unable to pick up all day, light activity is exhausted, the heart is unable to deliver sufficient nutrients to muscle tissues, metabolic problems are hampered, limbs and limbs are trapped in “energy famine”, quality of life is like a cliff, and everyday simple things are difficult.

Diagnostic puzzle: precision “lock” heart failure

Diagnosis of heart failure is a complex puzzle, the first of which is the collection of medical history, where doctors dig into patients’ hypertensives, coronary heart disease, myocardial diseases, etc., through the cardiovascular “old books” and search for pathology. During the medical examination, the hearing of the heart murmurs, the pulmonary pronunciation, the touch of the oedema range and extent, and the extraction of clues from the physical details. In the laboratory examination, the key “detector” is to be careful that when the function changes, it is as radical as the “hysteria smoke” that increases, and that in blood, which is used as a warning of heart failure, sodium B (BNP) and sodium B (NT-ProBNP) at the end of N; and that cardiac muscle damage marks can ask for new damage to the cardiac muscles. The visual “theorems” are more visible, with the heart ultrasound imitation of the “perceived eye”, which is intuitively quantified in terms of the heart function, clearly depicting the tectonic form of the heart, the thickness of the room, the opening of the valve and the flow of blood, blood scoring, etc.

Prevention in parallel: establishing a healthy line of defence

At the preventive level, lifestyle is the cornerstone. Rational diets are like “nutrient formulas”, low salt limits to prevent an increase in the capacity of the heart, induced oedema, multiple vegetables, whole grains, high-quality proteins, management of lipid-controlled sugar, reduction of “skinned body” for the heart; regular exercise is the activation of the heart’s “vibrity code”, moderate aerobic exercise (e.g. walk-by-walking, Tai polar fists) increases the heart’s dysentery, but prevents overworking the heart’s “breathing”; cessation of smoking and alcohol such as cleaning up “healthy mined areas”, cigarettes and alcohol are cardiovascular “toxic drugs” to avoid the risk of cardiac injury, vascular convulsions; emotional management is a mental “stable pressor”, an anxiety depression-resisting stressor, and the heart’s “coent” is tight to the heart in its day-to-day state.

Multi-media treatment strategies. The drugs are “Maximity”, urea incarnation, “waterworker”, and accommodation of silt, e.g. urea, e.g., accumulator enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), vascular stressor II Receptor stressor (ARB), sakubar saltan sodium tablet, etc., regulate neuroendocrine, repulsive myocardial redevelopment, strengthening the heart’s “wall”; Among non-pharmaceutical means, the Cardiac Resynchronization Treatment (CRT) is aimed at heart teleconductor disorders, using the pacemaker’s “calibration” rhythm to coordinate the contraction of the cardiac muscle; the left-heart assistive device is the endangered heart “life bridge”, with a temporary function, which is to gain life for the seriously ill and waits for the transplant “on the horizon”.

Although the path of heart failure is thorny, together, the doctors and the medical community, backed by knowledge and a sword of healing, can find life, protect the laws of life and regain hope in this long battle with the heart’s “age and fatigue”.

Heart failure.