Knows acute myocardial infarction
Acute myocardial infarction is a serious cardiovascular emergency. It is usually based on the sclerosis of coronary porridges, which forms a clot and coronary artery, resulting in acute myocardial insemination. The main manifestation is severe and persistent post-heart pain, which can be combined with severe complications such as cardiac disorders, heart failure, heart-borne shock and even life-threatening. Rapid identification and timely treatment are essential, including the early recovery of myocardial blood injections and medications.
The following groups are vulnerable to acute myocardial infarction: 1. Older persons, especially men over 45 and women over 55. 2. Persons with family history of cardiovascular disease. 3. Patients with hypertension. Diabetes. 5. Patients with high blood resin. Permanent smokers. Obesity. 8. Persons under severe long-term stress.
In case of acute myocardial infarction, the following are measures of self-help: 2. Anticipated nitric glycerine tablets (in the absence of low blood pressure or known allergy) under the tongue. 3. Call the emergency telephone and call the doctor as soon as possible. Self-pressure monitoring may be carried out if conditions so permit.
The treatment of acute myocardial infarction consists mainly of the following: 2. Drug treatment: The use of anti-sphygmophyllic drugs (e.g., aspirin, chlorprorey), anticondensed drugs, solvents, carotid drugs, vascular stressor enzymes inhibitors or vascular stressor receptors, etc., to improve the blood supply of the myocardial muscle, prevent the formation of haemobolism and protect the heart function. 3. Re-infusion treatment: This includes treatment with coronary artery (PCI) and leaching, as soon as possible, the infarction of the related blood vessels and the recovery of the heart muscle for blood. Treatment of pathological disorders: corresponding treatment for complications such as heart disorders and heart failure. Rehabilitation treatment: Rehabilitation training to improve the quality of life once conditions have stabilized. Specific treatment programmes need to be tailored to the patient ‘ s condition, physical condition and other factors.
Methods of preventing acute myocardial infarction: 2. Control of risk factors: Active control of blood pressure, blood resin, blood sugar and weight reduction. 3. Management sentiment: Avoiding chronic stress and stress. 4. Periodic medical examinations: timely identification and treatment of potential health problems. 5. Medicinal compliance: For persons at risk of cardiovascular disease, the medication is strictly in accordance with the doctor ‘ s recommendation.
1. Control of total calorie: maintain appropriate weight and avoid obesity. Low salt diets: reduced sodium salt intake helps control blood pressure. Low-fat diet: Less consumption of animal fat and high cholesterol-containing foods such as animal internals, crab yellow, fish, etc. 4. Adequate intake of proteins: High-quality proteins such as skinny meat, fish, beans, etc. can be selected. 5. Eat more fruit and vegetables: ensure adequate vitamin and dietary fibre intake. 6. Eat less: avoid oversaturation and increase the heart burden. 7. Prohibition of alcohol: smoking and drinking can have a negative impact on cardiovascular health.
In short, acute myocardial infarction is an acute disease that endangers people ‘ s lives, and we need to understand it correctly. If there are persistent and inexhaustible chest pains, we need to dial 120 in time to get to the hospital at the shortest possible time, so that the relevant infarction can be activated at an early stage in order to save the near-death heart muscles as much as possible. At the same time, we have to prevent chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, thereby reducing the incidence of acute myocardial infarction.