The long-term infection of tonsils is at the throat and is part of the human immune system. However, when the tonsils are inflammated or abnormal, they become chronic hazards, causing many problems to our health. 1. Chronic tonsilitis is formed and affects chronic tonsilitis, which is often repeated by acute tonsilitis, or due to the inaccessibility of the tonsi cavity, which breeds bacteria and viruses in the nest. Every time an acute attack is not completely cured, it’s like leaving a residual “enemy” on the “little battleground” of the tonsils, long and persistent inflammation. This chronic inflammation can change the tissue of the tonsils, with the growth of lymphocytes and conjunctive tissues and the fattening of the tonsils. Long-term chronic inflammation of tonsils can cause local and systemic harm. In local areas, patients often feel sick to their stomachs and feel alien, and they feel that something is stuck in their throats and they can’t spit or swallow. Moreover, because of the long-term growth of bacteria in the cavity of tonsils, there is a stench, which not only affects the socialization of patients, but may also reduce their self-confidence. Stimulant cough is also one of the common symptoms, with inflammation of the throat, causing reflective cough, which may be more pronounced, especially at morning. From the whole body, chronic tonsilitis can become a “flaming thread” for a whole body. For example, it can induce rheumatological heart disease because bacteria-generated antigens are combined with the antibody of the human body itself to form immune complexes, which are deposited in areas such as the heart valve, which cause inflammation and long-term heart valve disease. In addition, acute kidney inflammation may occur, affecting the normal functioning of the kidney, as well as symptoms such as blood urine, protein urine and oedema. ii. The weight of tonsils affects the weight of tonsils into biological and pathological rationality. Physiological tonsickness is more common among children and tends to shrink with age. However, there may be other reasons for the disease ‘ s rational tonsils to be fat, in addition to chronic inflammation. The tonsils fertilisation conference leads to respiratory blockage, especially when sleeping. When the body of tonsils is overweight, it narrows the throat and makes air in and out. Children may be snoring, mouth-opening, and long-term mouth-breathing can affect facial development, with gland glands in the form of short and thick upper lips, lower jaws, the disappearance of nostrils, and hard-tongue arches, which seriously affect beauty. In addition, poor breathing in sleep can lead to a deterioration in the quality of sleep and affect the growth and learning abilities of children. For adults, high tonsils can also cause respiratory difficulties, especially when suffocation occurs after intense exercise or labour. iii iii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The tonsils are a result of the accumulation of food residues, bacteria, dead cells, slime, etc. in the pits of the tonsils, which have been calcified for long periods of time. These stones are of different sizes, small possibilities like sand, large possibilities like peas. The tonsils cause symptoms such as stench, osteoporosis and pain. When the stones are larger or more, the symptoms become more visible. Patients may feel stinging in their throats, which increases when swallowed. Moreover, the tonsi stones may cause tonsi inflammation repeatedly and form a vicious circle. Because the stones themselves are a breeding ground for bacteria, where bacteria constantly release toxins, stimulate tonsil tissue and cause inflammation. Measures to deal with the long-term risk of tonsions are subject to different measures, depending on the circumstances, for such long-term hazards as chronic tonsion inflammation, large and large tonsets and tonsils. If there is a high incidence of chronic tonsilitis, the number of episodes per year rises to a certain standard (e.g. 4 – 5 times more) or there have been apparent systemic complications, the doctor may recommend the removal. The removal of tonsils can completely eliminate the stoves and reduce the harm to the body. Waiting can be observed for tonsils to be fat, if they are biological and do not cause obvious breathing, swallowing, etc. However, surgical treatment is also considered if it has affected breathing, sleep, etc. Smaller stones can be removed from the tonsils, etc., but for larger, more persistent stones, a doctor may be required to remove them from local anesthesia. In any case, the long-term health of the tonsils is a matter of great concern. We are concerned about the health of the tonsils, if they are found to be in trouble, and we are looking for timely medical treatment and appropriate treatment to guarantee our health and quality of life.
Posted inHealth and wellness