Author: Liu Yingya is angry about divorce and I don’t fight with him much, but it makes me want to divorce once. 1. There are certainly conflicts and problems in marriage. Facing conflict and problems is also one of the essence of marriage. There are conflicts of problems and common responses are forced or argued. For example, you have to press yourself. Or evasive, repressed, decorated. For example, I don’t argue with Ta to be quiet. However. Neither way is good. There are no real problems and no conflicts. 2. How can the problems of conflict be faced with neither the use of quarrels to force each other, nor the avoidance of repression? Learning to face conflict effectively could be considered. Coercion is not a relationship. It’s not about avoiding repression. In both ways, the relationship is cut off. More problems are left, and more problems can be created. Forced, without consideration of the other. No relationship considered. Avoid repression, avoid repression. And there’s no real connection. The key to effectively facing conflicts and problems is to take into account the claims and feelings of both sides. An effective face to conflict is a relationship in which two people accompany and support each other. It’s about being able to consider each other’s claims that are relevant and connected. 3. The problem of conflict can be dealt with in such a way that it strengthens relationships, enhances well-being and contributes to physical and mental well-being. Marriage is stronger if it is experienced and faced with this way. Author of the Master of Psychology in Liu Yingya, researcher in family marriage, researcher in family education, researcher in personal development
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