Medical treatment of acute iris and related penicillin treatment

Concept: Acute irisitis is a common type of acute pre-raisin, a common eye disease and a high incidence of disease, which tends to lead to youth and to repeat. Inflammation of iris, lashes alone is rare, most commonly at the same time. Symptoms such as acute illness, self-conscious eye pain, blurred vision, fear of light and tears, migraine pain. The principle of treatment is to disperse pupils, control inflammation and eliminate the causes. Parameters: Direct implantation of pathogens into the eye can give rise to acute raisin response due to eye piercing, insects, internal eye surgery, etc. In addition, muscular inflammation can be caused by mechanical, chemical, thermal burns, as well as by noxious harmful liquids or gas irritation. The disease can also be followed by certain diseases, such as cornea, rheumatitis, retina, anesthesia, sepsis, septic meningitis, sinusitis, metabolites of eye parasites, etc. Clinical performance: 1. Symptoms; sudden onset of the disease, self-perception eye pain, blurred vision, daunting and tears, migraine, seepage in the front room of a large number of fibre proteins, which can cause a significant loss of vision when there are reactive yellow spots and oscillations of the oscillation, and can lead to a significant decline in vision when it occurs and occurs with cataracts and secondary glaucoma. 2. Characteristics; (1) lashes or mixed filamentation: lashes filamentation refers to membrane vascular filamentation, which is the most common sign, located around the edge of the cornea. (2) Peripheral sediments: dusty, thin, or sheepty. (3) Facing of the front room: the cleavage light is shown as a “white” beam when checked. (4) Pre-house cells: Inflammatory cells, red cells, mega-corrosive cells can be found in the pathology. (5) Change of iris: Changes can occur in iris oedema, texture, etc. (6) Changes in pupils: Inflammation can lead to a reduction in pupils due to continuous contraction of lashes and pupils ‘ s stench muscles. (7) Clitoriform changes: Chromosomals can be deposited on the front surface of the crystal, and the circulin can be left on the surface of the crystal when a new iris is drawn. (8) Alteration of the glass and the rear of the eye: Inflammatory cells can be found in the front glass when iris mitectoplasm and the front lashes, and reactional cystals and oscillations can occasionally occur in patients with iris. Inspection: 1. Fragment light inspection: In the front room of the cleavage light examination, you can see white and white particles of the same size, with the near iris moving up and the pericorn moving down. Inflammatory cells are reliable indicators of immediate inflammation. 2. Painting: In case of suspected pathogen infections, appropriate pathogen tests should be carried out, and direct eye-leaving of the pathogen can be examined for the relevant fungi. Laboratory inspection: Increased visible white cell count. Diagnosis: 1. The patient ‘ s typical clinical condition is acute, eye pain, red eyes, loss of vision, fear of light and tears. The lashes are full of blood, the pupils are reduced, there are sediments behind the corneas, there are flashes of water in the rooms, and there are bindings behind the iris. 2. Serobiology tests and PCR tests the DNA of the pathogen, which facilitates the diagnosis of the cause. Treatment: 1. Scripts: For acutely severe frontal raisine, atropine ointment can be given to sustain the pupils. Sugar cortex hormone therapy: Common formulations include cedar, fluorine acetic acid, nitronyl acetic acid and disemison phosphate suspension or solution. For severe acute iris, the disemison phosphate solution is given an eye point every 15 minutes, after four consecutive times and every hour, and after several days of continuous application, the number of eyes is gradually reduced depending on the inflammation. Inflammatory: It has been shown that acute pre-raisin, especially after surgery or trauma, involves peanut-tetraolec acid metabolites, thus providing eye drops, such as ricin and sodium bichlorfonate, to combat inflammation. 4. Treatment of causes: Active treatment of pre-emergences, such as carnival, rheumatitis, retina, osteoporosis, septic meningitis, sinusitis, eye parasite infection. Efficient broad spectrum antibiotics such as penicillin should be selected in a timely manner. The relevant antibiotic treatment is also known as penicillin G, penicillin and penicillin. penicillin is one of the types of antibiotics in molecules that contain penicillanes, can destroy bacterial cell walls and act as fungi during the breeding period of bacterial cells. Antibiotics are derived from penicillin. Penicillin is an antibiotic of β-neamide, and it includes penicillin, capisculin, carcicene, monocyclics, carcinin, etc. penicillin is a common antibacterial drug. However, a leather test must be performed before each use to prevent allergies. Antibiotic penicillin is of low toxicity, and humans are less toxic to humans because of the effects of beta-neamide on the cytowalls of bacteria and the membrane-free walls of humans, and their toxicity is less evident in general use, except for those that can cause severe allergies. The use of the product must be preceded by a pelvic test. Penicillin allergie tests include dermal tests (known as penicillin piping tests) and in vitro tests, where injections are more accurate. There is also a certain risk in the pie test itself, with about 25 per cent of allergies dying in the shock. It is therefore important to prepare adequately for rescue when testing or injecting drugs. In exchange for penicillin, there is also a need for a re-test. Dry powders can be kept for many years, but injection fluids and pelvic fluids are unstable and well formulated in fresh form. In cases of self-defeating kidneys, the dose should be adjusted appropriately. In addition, local application is highly sensitive and bacteria are resistant to drugs and are not promoted.