Nutritional support treatment for patients with heart failure

Cardiac failure is a chronic disease, and most patients need supplementary nutrition to help with disease control and maintain good health. So, what does heart failure have to do with body nutrition? What are nutritional support treatments? This question is answered below.What does heart failure have to do with body nutrition?Generally speaking, the heart is like a water pump, the blood flows to the heart, and the heart also exports the blood at 5-6 litres per minute, passing through the artery to the whole body.At this point, when a heart is dysfunctional and the blood produced does not meet the whole body ‘ s operational needs, there will be a gradual reduction in the body ‘ s ability to return to the heart, a process known as heart failure.When this process occurs, the human body is exposed to obvious ischaemic, anaerobic symptoms, such as labour respiratory difficulties, systemic respiratory difficulties, pulmonary oedema, coughing, coughing of pink foam samples, etc. The occurrence of these symptoms has a serious impact on the patient ‘ s physical health and well-being, of which malnutrition is the most common complication.In terms of physical nutrition, heart failure can lead to symptoms such as appetite failure and vomiting, which in the long term can lead to a lack of proper feeding and malnutrition.Following heart failure, the ingestion of nutrients in the patient ‘ s intestinal tract has also decreased, resulting in physical malnutrition.In addition, patients with cardiac failure tend to take a portion of urea, which leads to a reduction in human nutrients.In turn, when nutrients are inadequate, they can have an impact on the cardiac function, exacerbating heart failure, such as the lack of vitamin B1, which can lead to heart disease and heart failure, and lower sulfamine, which can lead to heart expansion.Nutritional support treatment for people with heart failure is therefore crucial.2. What are the nutritional support treatments for heart failure?Nutritional support treatment for heart failure is divided into four main categories:2.1 Oral supplementation: In the first instance, a person suffering from cardiac failure who is also able to eat normally shall be given an adequate intake of nutrients, including high proteins, high vitamins, low salt, low fat foods such as skinny meat, fish, vegetables and fruits; at the same time, the patient shall strictly follow medical advice to rationalize the daily diet, so as to avoid too little ingestion to achieve the expected effect of the intervention or to increase the heart burden.2.2 Intestine nutrition support: Intestine nutrition support treatment may be considered for those who cannot sustain nutrition through normal feeding. This approach involves the direct transfer of nutrition to the intestinal tract through specific agents, such as nutrient fluids, nutritional powder, through gastrointestinal tubes, intestinal tubes or fistulas, in order to support nutrition interventions. This intervention technique can maintain intestinal structures and functions, improve immunity and, to the extent possible, restore nutritional status.2.3 In vitro nutrition support: When the patient has severe heart failure and cannot be treated through oral, enteric nutritional support, the main choice is in vitro nutrition support. This treatment is carried directly to the body through intravenous infusion, ensuring that the patient has sufficient energy and nutrition.2.4 Nutritional supplements: Some nutritional supplements, such as vitamins, minerals, accelerants Q10 etc., may be used under the supervision of a physician, depending on the patient ‘ s condition, in order to improve his/her condition. It needs to be noted, however, that oversupply may lead to adverse reactions and should be used under professional guidance.3. Daily care of patients with heart failureIn daily life, in order to avoid malnutrition, persons suffering from heart failure should exercise strict control over their diet, with the appropriate increase in protein intake, which is a major component of the body ‘ s tissue and is critical for the nutritional supplementation of patients suffering from heart failure, with daily intake of appropriate animal proteins such as chicken, fish, beef, etc.High-saline diets can lead to water retention, which in turn increases blood capacity and makes the heart more difficult to work; thus, in order to avoid an increase in heart disease, patients with cardiac failure should limit daily intake of salt, usually 1,500 ~2000 mg.With regard to vitamins, minerals, etc., which are affected by the use of medicines, some people suffering from heart failure need to take care to supplement appropriate vitamins and minerals in their daily lives and to increase, to the extent possible, the amount of body nutrients.Blood sugar fluctuations have an impact on heart failure diseases, requiring reasonable daily control of the patient ‘ s intake of sugar.In addition, over-oiled diets may increase blood stickiness to the disadvantage of blood vessels. As a result, people suffering from heart failure should eat on a day-to-day basis, so as to avoid ingestion of foods such as greasy and spicy, and to develop good eating habits.SummaryAs heart failure has a greater impact on human nutrition, patients with heart failure should take care of nutritional support treatment in their daily lives, conduct it scientifically and rationally under the guidance of a physician, and strictly follow the doctor ‘ s treatment programme, maintain their physical health and stabilize their condition.