One shot of high blood sugar and high blood resin, and the magic of cardiac health.

In the area of health, high blood sugar, high blood resins are like two “spoilers” that always serve to cause trouble to our cardiovascular health. But don’t worry, now tell everyone a magic way to fight high blood sugar and high blood resin at the same time, to protect our cardiovascular health. The magic trick is — aerobics. Anaerobics are physical exercise in which humans are fully supplied, such as jogging, swimming, cycling, etc. When we do these movements, there’s a series of amazing changes in our bodies.

In terms of blood sugar, during the exercise, muscles take more glucose from blood and decompose it into energy, thus reducing the concentration of glucose in blood. Moreover, the persistence of aerobics in the long run increases insulin sensitivity. Insulin is the key hormone that regulates blood sugar, and it’s like a key that helps cells open doors to absorb glucose. The movement makes this key more sensitive, and cells are better able to receive glucose and stabilize blood sugar levels.

Aerobics also perform well in blood resin. It accelerates the metabolism of internal lipids. And when I run or swim, the body mobilizes the glycerine triester in the fat tissue to decompose to fatty acid, which enters the blood and is transported to muscles, etc., to oxidize to carbon dioxide and water, and to release energy. At the same time, aerobic motion also increases the level of high-density protein cholesterol, helps us to transport cholesterol from blood to the liver for metabolism, thereby reducing the risk of scalding anorexia and protecting cardiovascular health.

From the point of view of cardiovascular health, the benefits of aerobics are even greater. By reducing blood sugar and blood resin, it can reduce the formation of lipid clots on vascular walls. In addition, the exercise enhances the function of the heart, which is a “middle-heart pump station” that enhances the robust transfer of blood to the body and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

However, there is much to be learned if aerobics are to work best. First of all, we need to have a moderate level of motion, which can cause physical damage. Second, to keep moving, not “three days to fish, two days to tan,” and to improve health requires a long-term effort.

So, from now on, let’s choose the aerobic mode of movement and take the first steps of health together!