Options for the treatment of pyretoma
A 33-year-old Ms. Li consulted at the online workstation of Director Zhao Tian Ji-ji on tumours on the skull: “Do I have no breast-feeding after birth, one and a half years of holiday, milk culinary (squeezing, not squeezing), breast milk check 125, occasional headaches, sleep disorders, and do I have to be operated on?”
Director Zhao Tien Ji-ji introduced that, according to the visual data currently provided by the patient, it should be a peritoneal adenomas of the octogenoid type, that brominated trams are the preferred treatment for ecstasy adenomas, that specific drug doses are recommended for consultation in the endocrine field, and that first drug treatment, such as insensitive medication, is considered for surgical treatment.
Patient questions: The hospital doctor here says it has to be operated, and it has a large area.
Director Zhao Tian Ji-ji made a presentation: no need, the oral drug bromine can currently be used.
Patient questions: How should I use my medication?
Director Zhao Tsien Ji-ji gave a presentation on the specific use of drugs for consultations at the Endocrinology Unit, which will guide you on the dosage.
Patient questions: I consulted with your argon cancer last year, I went to the endocrinology last year, I drank a year’s bromine, but the tumor didn’t change. What’s next?
Director Zhao Tien Ji: I have seen you do hormonal tests and suggest that the current treatment continue.
Clinically, the treatment of urogenic pyretoma consists mainly of drug treatment, surgical treatment, radiotherapy, etc. As a rule, microdensoma does not grow for the most part, so surgical intervention is not usually the preferred option.
Is there a need for surgical hysterectomy in cases of genus, based on the size of the tumor, the haemolycin level, the whole body condition, the drug treatment response, the will of the patient and the need for fertility?
In recent years, with the development of instruments such as neuron navigation and endoscopes and the development of micro-technologies for surgery, experienced surgical teams have been able to make the operation more precise, safer, less damaging and less complication. As a result, oxytocin adenoma is an alternative to drug treatment for patients with pituitary adenoma. Of course, acoustic surgery can be used for infested patients with large adenomas.
There are almost no absolute taboos for the operation, and the majority of the relative taboos are related to the poor overall state of the body and the disrepair of the organs. Clinical advice is generally provided for surgical treatment in the following categories:
1. Those who have not been treated with drugs or who have not been able to perform well with proteus.
The drug treatment response is more resistant.
3. Large adenomas with visible optic neuropressure, drug treatments that do not control oxytocin and tumour reduction
After 3-12 months of drug treatment, haemolycemia levels dropped to normal, but the size of the tumour remains unchanged, taking into account the possibility of adenic adenomas.
5. Invasive adenomas are accompanied by a nose leak in the brain ‘ s spine or a nose leak in the brain ‘ s spine following medical treatment.
6. Persons with insufficient psychological capacity to survive with tumours or who refuse long-term medication.
7 In the case of apocalyptic tremors, medical treatment or other causes, severe headaches and sharp loss of sight.
8- The adenoma acoustic cavity is not usually treated in a drug that reduces the size of the tumor.
Experienced surgeons consider that there is a higher level of surgery to be fully excised and take due account of the patient ‘ s willingness to operate.
At present, the main aims of surgical operations in the treatment of pyretoma in the octogenesis are:
1. Rapidly mitigate endocrine anomalies and reduce haemolycin to normal levels.
2. Retain normal pituitary functions.
3. Minimize tumour recurrence.