ovarian cancer, silent killer.

In recognition of ovarian cancer: a silent female health killer, ovarian cancer is often referred to as a “silent female health killer” among many gynaecological diseases. This is a malignant tumour that poses a serious threat to the life and well-being of women, as its early symptoms are not visible and are often found to be more serious. Let’s learn more about ovarian cancer. First, an overview of ovarian cancer refers to malignant tumours occurring in ovarians, mainly of upper ovarian cancer, reproductive cell tumours and mesothelioma. Of these, upper ovarian cancer is most common, accounting for about 90 per cent of ovarian cancer. ovarian cancer can occur in women of any age group, but with a high incidence between 50 and 60 years of age. As age increases, the risk of ovarian cancer increases. In addition, family genetic factors, childlessness, early menstruation and menstruation are also high risk factors for ovarian cancer. II. Early symptoms of ovarian cancer are more hidden and often neglected. Common symptoms include abdominal discomfort, which may be manifested in abdominal swelling, abdominal pain, abdominal loss, etc. Because these symptoms are similar to diseases of the digestive system, they can easily be misdiagnosed. Menstruation: increase in menstruation, decrease or disruption of the menstruation cycle, etc. Symptoms of the digestive system: appetite failure, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, etc., because ovarian cancer may oppress the gastrointestinal tract and cause signs of the digestive system. Utility, excrement: When the tumor oppresses the bladder, there are symptoms such as urination and excrement. Weight loss: Unidentified weight loss is also a sign of ovarian cancer. If the symptoms mentioned above occur, especially if they are long and cannot be explained by other reasons, they should be examined in a timely manner. Diagnostic gynaecology of ovarian cancer: Doctors can touch the ovarian swollen through gynaecology, understanding the size of the swollen ovaries, their quality, their activity, etc. Ultrasound: It is a common method of diagnosing ovarian cancer, which detects ovarian swelling and makes a preliminary determination of its nature. Oncological marker detection: The rise of tumor markers such as CA125, HE4 may indicate the presence of ovarian cancer, but the rise of these markers does not necessarily mean that ovarian cancer is present and may lead to an increase in other diseases. Pathological examination: is the gold standard for identifying ovarian cancer. A pathological examination is carried out through the surgical removal of tumour tissues, which can specify the type, grade and stage of the tumor. IV. Treatment of ovarian cancer: surgery is the main method of ovarian cancer treatment. In the case of early ovarian cancer, the operation can remove the tumor and the surrounding tissue for the purpose of root cure. In the case of late ovarian cancer, the operation can remove the tumor as far as possible, reduce the tumour load and create conditions for subsequent chemotherapy and release. chemotherapy: chemotherapy is an important component of integrated ovarian cancer treatment. The growth and spread of tumours can be controlled by the use of chemical drugs to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy can be performed after the surgery and can be used for patients who cannot. Demobilization: The treatment of ovarian cancer is used relatively rarely, mainly for local tumour control or symptoms. Target treatment: As medicine develops, some progress has been made in the treatment of ovarian cancer. Target-oriented drugs can target specific molecular targets for tumour cells, killing cancer cells with precision and reducing damage to normal cells. V. Periodic medical examinations for the prevention of ovarian cancer: Women should undergo regular gynaecological and ultrasound examinations, especially for high-risk groups such as the family history of ovarian cancer, unborn children, early menstruation and menstruation. Healthy lifestyles: Maintaining good living habits, such as balanced diets, adequate exercise, cessation of alcohol and tobacco, can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer. Fertility and lactation: Maternity and lactation reduce the risk of ovarian cancer. Genetic counselling: For women with a family history of ovarian cancer, genetic counselling is available to understand their risk of disease and to take appropriate preventive measures. In short, ovarian cancer is a malignant tumour that poses a serious threat to women ‘ s health, and early symptoms are not visible and can easily be ignored. Therefore, female friends should raise awareness of ovarian cancer, conduct regular medical examinations, maintain a healthy lifestyle and achieve early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment in order to improve the treatment and survival of ovarian cancer.

ovarian cancer