Aftercare: re-energizing life

Aftercare: re-energizing lifeTreatment, as an important means of cancer treatment, plays a key role in the fight against tumours. However, while it kills cancer cells, it may have some adverse…

Diabetes diabetic individual diet

Diabetes diabetic individual diet The dietary choices of diabetes patients should indeed be considered individually. Each person is of different quality and the same food may have different blood sugar…

I know my heart.

I know my heart.1. The definition of cardiac encapsulation is a thin film wrapped outside the heart, normally containing a small amount of liquid in the cardiac cavity, which acts…

Just about rheumatism.

Just about rheumatism.Rheumatism heart disease (forous heart disease) is a self-immuno-immunological disease caused by type A B streptococcus infection, causing damage to the heart valve and causing heart function disorders.…