Patient’s statement: 10 years of incontinence have finally been cured.

“It has been 10 years since we were sneezing, coughing, walking with urine leaks, the symptoms of urine leaks have worsened in the last two years, the need to use a diaper mattress on our way out, and it has not been known for many years that the surgery will be able to be treated, nor that it will be so effective. I don’t think a patient with a stress-type urinal incontinence has been able to operate as soon as possible. Conservative treatment is generally ineffective.” 67-year-old Wang, alias.

Why is there pressure urine incontinence?

The bladder and urea coordinate to control the body ‘ s storage and urine. The urine excreted from the bladder through the urethroscope requires two “valves” through which the first valve – the urethophagus – is controlled by the brain; and the second valves – the urethophagus, which are connected to the pelvis, are subject to the subjective control of the body.

Most women’s stressive urine incontinence is associated with the good and bad of pelvic muscles, and if the pelvic muscles are weak, there is an autonomous leak of urine when the abdominal pressure increases, such as sneezes, coughs, laughs or exercise, a disease we call pressure urine incontinence.

Is there any medicine for stressful urine?

Since the cause of the disease is related to pelvic muscles, there is an effect in the absence of medical treatment at present, and rehabilitation training is available for conservative treatment, most commonly in Kegel, where bottom muscles are trained, but only for young, mild patients.

A micro-surgery can solve the pissing problem.

On 22 October, under anaesthesia of the vertebrae, Professor Lee Xudong carried out a “iron-free suspension” on behalf of Ms. Wang through the vaginal urinal tract, restoring normal anatomical position in the urea after the vescary neck, increasing the internal pressure in the back urea, and increasing the shearing effect of the back urea to the point of treatment.

The day after the surgery, Ms. Wang went out of bed, and it was so easy for her to tell herself four days after the surgery that she didn’t leak.