High blood pressure is the most common cardiovascular disease, and the emphasis on blood pressure has gradually increased as medical technology advances and advances, but it is still semi-acquainted, and this paper will provide a detailed answer to the usual questions about high blood pressure.
(i) A blood pressure of 150/90 mm/Hg this morning. Did I get high blood pressure?
One-time measurements of blood pressure in a clinic or a single-day household cannot diagnose hypertension. According to the Guide to the Prevention and Control of Hypertensive Pressure in China (2024 Revision), the criteria for the diagnosis of hypertension are: cystic cystium 140/90 mm/Hg on three occasions other than the same day, in the absence of a depressive drug; or cystium 135/85 mm/Hg for 5-7 consecutive days in the family; or cystium 130/80 mm/Hg for 24 hours, cystium 135/85 mm/Hg for the day, 120/70 mm/Hg for the night. Also, blood pressure measurements need to be standardized, using calibrated sphygmomanometers and appropriate cuffbands, after a quiet seat for at least five minutes, during which time tea, coffee, speech, etc. are not allowed, the upper arm should be placed at the heart level and blood pressure on the upper arm measured.
(ii) Why do I have hypertension?
High blood pressure is caused by a number of risk factors, such as high sodium potassium diet, overweight, obesity, age increase, smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol, psychological stress, air pollution, family genetics, drug effects, etc. However, some high blood pressure patients have been identified as a cause of the disease, which is referred to as secondary hypertension, e.g., increase in pyrosterone, increase in cortisol, chromosomal tumours, kidney disease, narrow kidney artery. Further screening of secondary hypertension is recommended for young patients with initial hypertension, patients with poor blood pressure control, patients with characteristic symptoms or positive patients with associated tests.
(iii) Do I have high blood pressure to take medication? Not all high blood pressure patients are subject to depressive medication. According to the Guide to the Prevention and Control of Hypertension in China (2024 Revision), normal high-value patients with a blood pressure level of 130-139/85-89mmHg, persons with low and medium-risk cardiovascular risk should have sustained lifestyle interventions; high-tension patients with a blood pressure level of 140-159/90-99mmHg should be able to improve their lifestyle for 4-12 weeks if the blood pressure remains substandard. Blood pressure thallium 160/ 100 mmHg, treatment for depressive drugs should begin. All persons with hypertension should improve their lifestyle. It is recommended that salt be eaten <5g/d per day to reduce the intake of saturated fat, increase the intake of proteins, dietary fibres, reduce weight, quit smoking and alcohol, maintain aerobic motion, reduce mental stress and improve sleep. For secondary hypertension, some can be treated by surgery. Treatment for neurological dysentery through the skin renal artery can be considered for patients with incurable hypertension, who are less resistant to various types of depressive drugs.
(iv) Although blood pressure is high, is there no discomfort?
Some hypertension patients suffer from high but unsymptomatic blood pressure, which is still subject to pressure relief. High blood pressure is closely related to cardiovascular risk. Increased blood pressure can lead to acute cardiovascular events with very high mortality rates in the aorta, haemorrhagic pawns, ischaemic pawns and acute myocardial infarction. Prolonged blood pressure increases, which can lead to sclerosis of the artery, hypertensive kidney disease, hypertensive retinal disease, coronary heart disease, room tremors, etc., which can seriously reduce the quality of life. Target organ damage and complications due to hypertension are mostly irreversible and, although the increase in blood pressure does not cause the associated symptoms, regular medication is required to reduce blood pressure to target levels.
(v) Which of the best depressants is so many at present?
There are no best decompressants, only the most appropriate decompressants. The current pressure-relief programme is based on blood pressure classification, combined risk factors, target organ damage and clinical complications and cause of illness. The following types of pressure relief drugs are currently commonly used: (1) ACEI, ARB, ARNI: Meshattan, Sakubarte, etc.; (2) Beta Receptor Detardants: Arorol, Psorol, etc.; (3) CCB: Nitrozene Land Level Control, ABS, etc.; (4) Remitatives: gelatinium, hydrochloride, etc.; (5) Alpha Retardant Detardants: Traraz, Dosal, etc. The variety of current depressants and their effects are not uniform, but for patients the appropriate decompression programmes are the most important.
The rate of hypertension increases with age and has also increased in recent years among young people. Focus on blood pressure, focus on blood pressure, early detection, early treatment, blood pressure management, away from cardiovascular disease!