Point of reference for post-pulmonary multiple infections

Multiple lung infections can place a significant burden on the patient ‘ s body and seriously affect his/her quality of life and rehabilitation. Scientificly sound care is essential for patient recovery, and the following are some of the key elements of care.


Close attention is paid to the vital signs of the patient, including temperature, breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, etc. Changes in body temperature provide a visual picture of infection control and, in case of continued fever, doctors need to be informed in a timely manner of the adjustment of treatment programmes. The frequency, rhythm and depth of the patient ‘ s breathing, whether or not he/she is suffering from respiratory difficulties, breathing, etc., multiple infections in the lung can lead to impairment of the respiratory function, and timely detection of abnormalities can facilitate targeted measures such as the provision of support treatment such as oxygen. At the same time, care is taken of the mental state and awareness of the patient. Mental infirmity, confusion and the like may be signs of an increase in the condition or of complications, and medical personnel should be immediately reported for further assessment and treatment.

II. Respiratory care

Respiration is a priority. Patients are encouraged to cough, cough and, in cases where they are unable to cough, they can be assisted in ejecting the sap by flipping over and back. Watch your back and be careful, and you shall have to hit it from the bottom up and from the inside, to facilitate the release of the sap and its movement to the atmosphere, and to make cough easier. Insorption can be used when necessary, but the principle of sterile operation is strictly followed to avoid new infections caused by inappropriate adsorption. In addition, based on the patient ‘ s condition, a reasonable regulation of indoor humidity ranges from 50 to 60 per cent, and the appropriate humidity helps to keep the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract humid and facilitates the discharge of the sap.

III. Living care

In terms of diet, adequate nutrition is ensured. High-heat, high-protein, vitamin-rich and digestible foods, such as skinny meat, fish, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits, are given. Adequate nutrition provides an energy and material base for the physical recovery of patients, increases the body ‘ s immunity and combats infection. The patient ‘ s resting environment should be quiet and comfortable and ensure adequate sleep. A regular daily window ventilation is required to keep indoor air fresh, but care is taken to avoid the patient from blowing the wind. The appropriate bedding may be adapted to the weather to allow the patient to rest in a comfortable environment. In the area of personal hygiene, patients are assisted to regularly wipe their bodies, to replace clean clothes, to keep their skin clean and to prevent complications such as skin infections.

IV. Psychological care

After multiple infections in the lungs, patients tend to experience anxiety, fear, etc. due to physical discomfort, fear, etc. These emotions may further affect the patient ‘ s physical recovery. Caregivers need to communicate more with patients, listen patiently, and give them full understanding and comfort. The provision of information on the conditions and progress in treatment and care to the patients gives them a sense of what they are and strengthens their confidence in overcoming the disease.

V. Rehabilitation guidance

Appropriate rehabilitation guidance is provided when the patient ‘ s condition is gradually improving. Patients are encouraged to undertake moderate activities, such as bedside standing, slow walking and so on, as far as their bodies permit, in order to promote the circulation of the body and the recovery of its lung function. At the same time, patients are advised to comply strictly with their medical instructions and to take their medications on time and regularly review so that possible problems can be identified and addressed in a timely manner.

In general, post-pulmonary multi-infection care is a comprehensive process that requires comprehensive and careful care of patients from a variety of points of view, respiratory care, living care, psychological care and rehabilitation guidance in order to help them recover their health as soon as possible.

Multiple lung infections