The influenza pandemic, known as influenza, is an acute respiratory epidemic caused by influenza viruses and is widely disseminated worldwide, placing a heavy burden on human health and socio-economics that cannot be ignored. In particular, influenza viruses are more active and the risk of disease increases significantly when seasonal shifts and temperature changes are high. In-depth knowledge of influenza and proactive prevention are therefore crucial. Influenza is transmitted mainly by air-based foam, such as when patients cough and sneeze, they spray with flu virus into the surrounding air, and healthy people are exposed to infection when they are inhaled. In addition, exposure to virus-contaminated items, such as doorknobs, elevator buttons, etc., can also lead to virus intrusion by touching mouths and noses. The high variability of influenza viruses makes it difficult for the human body to develop sustained immunity, and it is likely to experience a different sub-generic influenza virus epidemic every year, thus making prevention and control more difficult. Inoculation against influenza is one of the most economical and effective means of preventing influenza. Influenza vaccine can stimulate the human immune system to produce antibodies for specific strains of influenza viruses, and when humans are re-exposed to these viruses, the immune response can be quickly identified and activated, thus effectively preventing or mitigating the symptoms of infection. Typically, it is recommended that influenza vaccinations be applied to high-risk groups, especially children, older persons, pregnant women, people with chronic basic diseases and health workers, before the annual influenza season, that is, from 9 to November. It should be noted that the effect of the flu vaccine is not 100 per cent and that, over time, the level of antibodies will decline, so that even if the vaccine is administered, other precautions will have to be taken. Maintaining good hygiene practices is essential for influenza prevention. Hand-washing is a fundamental step in the prevention of infectious diseases and, with soap and mobile water, in accordance with the correct hand-washing methods, it is essential to carefully wash hands in all parts of the hands, especially at critical times, such as exposure to public goods, cough or sneezing, preparation for food and before eating, in order to remove the virus that may be contaminated on the hands. When coughing or sneezing, a paper towel should be used to cover the nose and nose so as to avoid the splattering, and, in the absence of a paper towel, the inside side of the elbow could be covered instead of the direct hand cover, as the hand might be exposed to other items and spread the virus. In the meantime, used paper towels should be dumped in a timely manner in the trash can and wash hands as soon as possible. In daily life, increased indoor ventilation helps to reduce the indoor concentration of influenza viruses and reduce the risk of infection. It is important to keep the indoor air fresh, especially in densely populated areas, such as classrooms, offices, conference rooms, etc., and to be more sensitive to ventilation. During the high-prevalence influenza season, access to crowded and poorly air-flowed sites, such as malls, cinemas, fairs, etc., should be avoided and, if necessary, masked. When wearing a mask is effective in preventing the spread of foam, a medical surgical mask or a N95 mask may be selected and properly worn to ensure that the mask is closely bound to the face and is fully protective. Healthy lifestyles are an important safeguard against influenza virus attacks by increasing the body ‘ s immunity. A balanced diet is the basis for ensuring that all nutrients are consumed and that fresh fruits, vegetables, whole cereals and skinny meat, fish, dairy products, etc., rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, etc., are consumed, helping to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system. Moderate exercise promotes blood circulation and metabolism, enhances body resistance, chooses the way to move, such as walking, running, swimming, yoga, etc., and maintains regular exercise, with care to avoid fatigue. Adequate sleep is also essential for the rehabilitation and strengthening of the immune system and should be guaranteed a high-quality sleep of 7 – 8 hours per day, a regular resting habit and avoiding lateness. In addition, chronically high stress can weaken the immune system and should be taught to maintain physical and mental pleasures through reasonable relief, such as meditation, deep breath, listening to music, tourism, etc. Health management and epidemic monitoring should be strengthened in public places such as schools, businesses and communities during the influenza pandemic. Schools are required to clean and disinfect classrooms, dormitories, canteens, etc., by regularly wiping the surfaces of high-frequency contact objects, such as tables and chairs, doorknobs and stairwells, and by strengthening the health monitoring of students to detect and isolate in a timely manner those with influenza symptoms such as fever and cough, in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic in schools. Enterprises are required to rationalize working hours and work intensity to avoid overwork of their employees, while enhancing ventilation in the office area and providing them with the necessary protective supplies. Communities, for their part, need to increase their awareness and capacity to protect themselves through a variety of channels, such as information boards, community radio and micro-clinics. While the influenza epidemic is somewhat contagious and hazardous, we can significantly reduce the risk of infection and protect ourselves and the health of others as long as we are fully aware of its transmission characteristics and are active in taking effective and scientific preventive measures. From the individual to the family, from school to the community, from society to the State, everyone has the responsibility to prevent the flu, and let us work together to build a strong health line for every day of a healthy life.
Posted inHealth and wellness