Prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal disease

The prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal inflammation is a common disease of the digestive system, caused mainly by microbial infections, chemical toxins or medicines with symptoms of diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, which seriously affects the quality of life and health of patients. Understanding the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal inflammation is essential to health.

The prevention of gastrointestinal inflammation focuses on the development of everyday habits and the maintenance of environmental health. In terms of diet, it is necessary to ensure that food is fresh, clean and well prepared. To avoid eating spoiled, obsolete or unknown foods, to reduce the ingestion of raw cold foods such as stabbings, salads, uncleaned vegetables and fruits, and to prevent bacterial, viral and parasitic infections. Drinking water should be safe and hygienic, with priority given to boiling or formally purified bottled water to prevent gastrointestinal inflammation due to water contamination. The maintenance of good hygiene habits and the need to wash hands after meals, use soap and running water to clean hands carefully, can effectively remove bacteria contaminated with hands and reduce the risk of disease entering the mouth. Direct hand exposure to food is avoided in public places or after exposure to public goods, reducing the risk of infection. Kitchen appliances are regularly cleaned and disinfected and raw foods are stored and treated separately to avoid cross-contamination. In everyday life, overwork and stress should be avoided, adequate sleep ensured, appropriate physical exercise maintained, body immunity enhanced and body protection against disease intrusion. During high-prevalence epidemics, such as influenza and the Nova virus, travel to densely populated sites is minimized and, if necessary, masks are recommended for protection.

The treatment of gastrointestinal inflammation shall be based on the severity and cause of the disease. For patients with lower-intensity gastrointestinal inflammation, it is generally mitigated by diet adjustment and appropriate rest. During the onset of a disease, a diet should be maintained, with easy to digest and nutritious foods, such as rice congee, noodles, steamed eggs, etc., avoiding greasy, spicy, irritating foods and reducing the gastrointestinal burden. At the same time, adequate water intake should be ensured to prevent dehydration and to allow for the appropriate consumption of salted water or oral rehydration salts. If symptoms are serious, such as frequent vomiting, diarrhea leading to dehydration, electrolytic disorders or associated with fever and severe abdominal pain, timely medical treatment is required. Doctors conduct blood and excreta tests on the basis of the condition, in order to identify the cause of the disease and to treat it with the appropriate medication. In the case of gastrointestinal inflammation caused by bacterial infections, antibiotics are commonly used for treatment; gastrointestinal inflammation from viruses is generally without specific antiviral drugs, mainly for treatment of symptoms; and parasitic infections require the use of anti-pathological drugs. In the case of treatment for symptoms of vomiting, anti-optic drugs can be used to mitigate them; in cases of severe diarrhoea, anti-laxatives are used, but care needs to be taken to avoid excessive laxation leading to the presence of toxins in the body. In the event of dehydration and electrolyte disorders in the patient, a timely intravenous refill is required to replenish the moisture, electrolyte and nutrients, and to maintain a balance between internal water, electrolyte and acid. During the treatment of gastrointestinal inflammation, the patient is required to follow closely the changes in the condition and to follow medical instructions to take medication and rest on time. If symptoms persist or are aggravated, new symptoms occur, so that doctors can adjust their treatment programmes. Overall, the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal inflammation require a combination of multiple factors. The prevention of gastrointestinal inflammation can be effective by developing good living and eating habits and enhancing hygiene and environmental health protection. In the event of an illness, appropriate treatment should be taken in accordance with the seriousness of the illness, prompt medical treatment should be sought, medical advice should be followed, physical rehabilitation should be promoted and health risks should be reduced.