Prevention of acute and chronic osteoporosis

The response to acute and chronic oscillitis, which is a common respiratory disease, can be divided into acute and chronic oscillitis, which causes symptoms such as infirmity and pain to patients and affects the quality of life. Knowledge of the prevention and treatment of acute chronic oscillation is important to alleviate the suffering of patients, prevent the occurrence and recurrence of diseases. ii. Acute Oscillitis (I) is virus-infection: it is the most important cause of acute oscillitis, such as the Kosachi virus, the gland virus, the para-influenza virus, etc. These viruses are usually transmitted through foaming or close contact when human immunity is reduced, and inflammation is caused by inflammation from the larvae. Bacteria: There is a high prevalence of streptococcus, streptococcus and pneumocococcus, with some of the patients likely to have bacterial infections after the virus. In addition, group A type B soluble streptococcus infection can lead to more serious symptoms and even complications. Environmental factors: Long-term exposure to dry, dusty, irritant gases, such as chemical plants, construction sites, etc., or high air pollution in living areas, with advective mucous membranes prone to irritation and acute oscillation. Poor living habits: excessive use of the voice, such as long speaking, singing or frequent cleaning of the voice; long-term smoking, drinking, consumption of spicy, hot food, etc., can cause injury to the mucous membranes and inflammation. (ii) Symptoms of local symptoms: more acute, starting with dry and hot stomachs, followed by pain, increased pain when swallowed, and irradiation to the ear. In serious cases, the mucous membranes may be swollen, swollen, filtration of the back wall lymph, and yellow and white dot seepage on the surface. Symptoms of the body: The more seriously ill can be accompanied by fever, headaches, anorexia and four-legged acidic pains, which can be as high as 38°C in general, and high heat convulsions in young children. (iii) General treatment: Care should be taken to rest, drink more, eat soft food, avoid irritating food and stop smoking and alcohol after illness. At the same time, the sound is reduced and the stomach is adequately rested. Temperature salt water can be used to wash mouths, keep mouth clean and mitigate osteoporosis. Drug treatment of antivirals or antibacterials: In the case of viral infections, antivirals are generally not required because most viral infections are self-restricted. In the case of bacterial infections or secondary bacterial infections, antibiotics such as penicillin and headgillin may be selected for treatment. Local medicine: A combination of storin solutions may be used to purify mouths, fungi, inflammation and pain. Sprays (e.g., watermelon cream, iodine tablets, etc.) or ingest sprays (e.g., open throat sword sprayers) can also mitigate the symptoms of abdominal discomfort. Antithermal analgesics can be used appropriately in cases where the symptoms of the whole body are apparent, such as fever and headaches. III. Chronic oscillitis (i) is repeated due to acute oscillitis: this is the most common cause of chronic oscillitis. If acute oscillitis is not fully treated and it continues unabated, it can easily turn into chronic oscillitis. Nasal cavity, nasal sepsis: For example, inflammation of the nasal circulus flow to the stomach, long-term irritation of the mucous membranes, can cause chronic inflammation. In addition, glands of fatty, chronic nasal inflammation, etc. lead to long-term mouth-opening, drying of mucous membranes and causing chronic inflammation. Environmental factors: Similar to acute oscillitis, chronic exposure to chronic oscillitis due to long-term exposure to harmful gases, dust or chemical substances, long-term irritation of mucous membranes. It may also be induced by working or living in a high-temperature, dry environment. Poor living habits: chronic smoking, drinking, over-eating spicy foods, and poor living habits such as over-utilizing throats can cause continuous damage to mucous membranes and increase the risk of chronic oscillation. Occupational factors: Occupational groups with more vocal voices, such as teachers, singers and facilitators, often suffer from bleeding and chronic inflammation due to chronic oversounding. (ii) Symptoms insatiable osteoporosis: Patients often feel alienated, hot, dry, or slightly painful, with an increase in part of the oscillation, sticky, often attached to the back of the oscillation, often with irritating cough, and may experience frequent irritating dry coughs in the morning when they wake up, and with nausea. Itching: Some patients may feel itching in their throats, which causes frequent coughing or voice-clearing movements, which may be exacerbated by exposure to irritating gases, dust, etc. (iii) Treatment of causes of disease: Active treatment of nasal cavity, nasal larvae and reduction of stimulant retrenchment of nasal venom. Improve working and living environments to avoid exposure to harmful gases and dust. In the case of people with excessive voice due to professional reasons, care is taken to use the scientific voice, to have the right sound method and to rest as appropriate. The local treatment of the drug treatment is the main one: it is commonly used to rinse the cormorant solution, furan sielin solution, etc., and to keep the stomach clean. Symptoms of larvae (e.g., mint larynx, silver yellow tablet, etc.) can be mitigated by larvae spray (e.g., golden larynx body spray). For those suffering from dry, itching symptoms, such as iodized glycerine can be applied. Chinese medicine: Treatment may be based on the patient ‘ s specific symptoms, with the choice of Chinese medicine or medium medicine, such as an inflammation tablet, larynx pellets, etc., which have the effect of irritating, pulmonary coughing, etc. Physiotherapy: Physical treatment such as laser, cryogenic plasma can be used to eliminate increased lymphocytic filtration for those with high growth in the lymphocytic lymphocytic leachate, provided that care is taken to avoid over-treatment leading to mucous membrane damage to the larvae. IV. Prevention of osteoporosis (i) Strengthening a healthy diet: Maintaining a balanced diet, eating more vegetables and fruits, such as oranges, spinachs, etc., and eating less spicy, greasy and irritating foods, which are rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B. Adequate intake of protein-rich food, such as eggs, milk, etc., enhances the body ‘ s immunity. (b) Motivated exercise: The persistence of physical exercise, such as walking, running, swimming, etc., which takes place at least 3 – 4 times a week, for more than 30 minutes each, enhances physical resistance and reduces the incidence of disease. Regularity: develop good habits, ensure adequate sleep, not less than seven hours a day, and avoid staying up late. Maintain a good psychological state to avoid chronic stress and stress. (ii) Proper dental brushing: Every morning and night, using a soft-haired toothbrush to brush your teeth in the correct way, for a period of not less than three minutes each time, to ensure that the various sides of your teeth are cleaned. Optimal, anti-inflammatory toothpaste. After-dinning: After-dinning, wash with fresh or salty water in time to remove food residues and bacteria from the mouth and reduce bacterial growth. (iii) Avoiding adverse irritation of environmental protection: In high air pollution weather, minimize outing and, if necessary, wear masks. Protection measures such as gas masks, dust masks, etc. are provided in case of work or life in an irritating gas, dust environment. Avoid over-speaking: Pay attention to sounding methods and do not speak loud or scream for long periods of time. After a long period of speech, appropriate rest should be provided in order to avoid over-throwing and fatigue. At the same time, it reduces voice-cleaning, as frequent voice-cleaning can damage the mucous membranes of the throat. Prohibition of alcohol: Smoking and over-drinking are important contributing factors to oscillation, and cessation and avoidance of over-drinking can effectively reduce the risk of disease. For those already suffering from oscillitis, cessation of smoking and alcohol helps to alleviate symptoms and promote rehabilitation. In short, the prevention and treatment of acute and chronic oscillitis requires that we begin with all aspects of our lives to understand the causes and symptoms of the disease, to take effective preventive measures and to treat it in a timely manner, in order to ensure its health and improve the quality of life.