Prevention of Diabetes Complications: A list of annual mandatory examinations

Diabetes is a common chronic disease that, if unchecked, can lead to a series of serious complications. Fortunately, through regular annual inspections, we can detect and prevent these complications in a timely manner. What, then, needs to be done every year to prevent diabetes complications?

First, blood sugar surveillance is the basis for diabetes management. Diabetes patients are required to regularly test the levels of empty abdominal and post-eating blood sugar using a family blood sugar device and to document the results for the doctor ‘ s information. This not only helps to assess blood sugar control, but also allows for timely detection of blood sugar fluctuations, thereby adjusting treatment programmes.

Analytic hemoglobin testing is another important test that reflects average blood sugar levels over the past 8-12 weeks and is used to assess long-term blood sugar control. This test helps doctors to understand the overall blood sugar management of diabetic patients by taking blood samples and analysing the ratio of haemoglobin to lusogenic in the blood in the laboratory.

The kidney is one of the most common complications of diabetes. Minor urine protein tests can detect kidney damage at an early stage and guide the adjustment of treatment programmes. Diabetes patients need only take their first urine sample from the morning and be sent to the laboratory for quantitative analysis, which is simple and convenient.

Diabetes can also affect vision, leading to eye complications such as retinasis. It is therefore essential that an eye-to-eye examination be conducted annually. Professional ophthalmologists use cleavage lights microscopes to observe in detail the background of diabetes patients, detect changes in time and take measures to protect their eyesight.

Diabetes can also cause neuroses and damage to the functioning of the surrounding nervous system. The neurotransmission velocity test assesses the functioning of the nervous system by measuring the time of transmission of neurotransmitters under electric irritation and helps to diagnose the existence of neuropathic changes in diabetes patients.

Overall, preventing diabetes complications requires comprehensive health management, and these annual screening programmes are essential. Through these examinations, we can learn about our health in a timely manner and take appropriate preventive measures to ensure health and well-being.