Diabetes is not in itself terrible; it is the complications it causes. These complications can strain many organs and parts, including hearts, minds, kidneys, eyes and feet, and seriously affect the quality of life and even life. Active prevention of diabetes complications is therefore essential.
I. Strict blood sugar control
This is central to the prevention of diabetes complications. Patients are required to develop, on the basis of their individual condition and under the professional guidance of a physician, a precise sugar reduction programme, which is based on the regular use of sugar reduction drugs or on the regular use of insulin. At the same time, the changes in blood sugar are monitored closely, not only with regard to empty abdominal sugar, but also with regard to post-eating blood sugar and sugared haemoglobin levels, with a view to adjusting treatments flexibly by means of regular testing data, in an effort to stabilize blood sugar in the long term in the desired range and to minimize the corrosive damage of high blood sugar to the entire blood vessels and nerves.
II. Healthy lifestyles
A reasonable diet is a key link. Following the dietary principles of low sugar, high fibres, low salt and low fat, increased intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and high-quality proteins, strict control of the intake of carbohydrates and sugar, avoiding high sugar and salty foods and overprocessed fast foods. Moderate physical activity is indispensable, and the choice of appropriate physical activities, such as walking, jogging, swimming, Tai Chi boxing, etc., is consistent with a medium-intensity campaign of at least 150 minutes per week, which helps to improve body quality and insulin sensitivity, thus promoting effective control and use of blood sugar. Tobacco cessation, nicotine and alcohol in tobacco can interfere with blood sugar metabolism, exacerbate vascular damage, and stop smoking and avoid excessive alcohol consumption can significantly reduce the risk of complications such as cardiovascular diseases.
III. Periodic physical examinations
Regular and comprehensive screening is an effective early detection and intervention for complications. In addition to regular blood sugar monitoring, indicators such as blood pressure, blood resin, liver and kidney function need to be regularly checked in order to detect and control the co-infections of diabetes mellitus. An eye examination should be carried out at least once a year, including eye examinations, eye pressure measurements, eye lenses, etc., in order to detect diabetes membrane changes at an early stage and to treat them in a timely manner to prevent the risk of blindness. Renal function checks such as haemocelline acetic anhydride, urea nitrogen and urea micronutrient protein should also be carried out on a regular basis, with early diagnosis of diabetes kidneys and corresponding measures to slow progress. At the same time, a foot examination cannot be ignored to see if the foot skin is broken, ulcer, neurotic perceptions, etc., and to prevent diabetes from occurring.
Diabetes patients need to proactively learn about diabetes, the hazards of complications, prevention methods and symptoms of disease, and to increase self-management awareness and capacity. On a daily basis, self-sweet monitoring is performed and documented in detail to provide an accurate basis for doctors to adjust their treatment programmes. Maintaining a good mental state, diabetes is a long health challenge, with patients prone to anxiety, depression, etc., and negative emotions, which in turn affect blood sugar control, must learn to face disease and life in a positive and optimistic way by reducing stress and regulating emotions in a reasonable way.
The prevention of the complications of diabetes is a long-term and systematic project that requires a patient, under the professional guidance of a medical team, to begin with all aspects of life, to exercise strict self-discipline and to continue his efforts in order to effectively reduce the risk of complications, improve the quality of life and live in harmony with diabetes and to move on to a long and healthy life.