Prevention of hand and foot

A common skin fungus disease, which is more contagious and prone to relapse, causes many inconveniences to the lives of patients. Here are some of the effective ways to prevent this:

Maintaining personal hygiene • Cleaning of hands and feet: daily habits of hand washing and foot washing. The use of mild soap and liquid water to clean hands and feet carefully, especially after exercise, sweat or exposure to dirty environments, reduces the opportunities for fungi breeding by removing dust, dust and parts of fungi from skin surfaces in a timely manner. For example, those engaged in manual labour or sports are cleaned at least once a day. • Drying of hands and feet: once the hands and feet have been washed, it is essential that they be thoroughly dried with clean, soft towels, especially in the parts of the fingers and toes. The wet environment is conducive to fungi growth and reproduction, and keeping hands and feet dry is a key part of the prevention of foot and foot. Some tungsten powder can be properly painted after drying to help absorb excess moisture and maintain dry skin.

ii. Attention to household hygiene • shoe and stocking selection and replacement: choice of air-ventilating footwear, such as cotton stockings and shoes with air holes, contributes to air circulation and reduces sweat and dampness in the feet. To avoid wearing tight, inflatable shoes and shoes, such as synthetic fibres and rubber-floored sports shoes that are easily smothered and humid feet for long periods of time. At the same time, it is necessary to change shoes and socks and to change socks every day, and the shoes should be replaced and dryed on a regular basis in the ventilation area to keep the inside of the shoes dry. • Special use of slippers: in homes, public bathrooms, swimming pools, etc., use of personal shoes and not share them with others. Public slippers are used by many people and are likely to carry fungus of all kinds, and sharing them is highly contagious. If public slippers have to be used, they can first be sterilized, such as the use of alcoholic cotton balls to wipe the face and soles of the shoes. • Avoid sharing of pellets, towels, etc.: items such as pellets, towels, which are in direct contact with the arms and legs should not be shared with others. Fungi can survive and spread on these items, and if shared, healthy people can be infected after exposure. Each member of the family should have his or her own sole pedestals and towels, which are regularly cleaned and disinfected, such as boiled with open water or tanned in the sun.

iii. Protection in public places • Protection in public baths: use showers to the extent possible in public baths and reduce the number of baths in public baths. If a public toiletr is used, one-time toilet paper can be attached to the toilet ring to avoid direct skin contact. Because of the damp environment of public baths and the high mobility of people, fungi are easily transmitted here. • pool protection: When you go to the pool, you can wear water-proof slippers to avoid barefoot walking by the pool. Swim and wash your hands and feet in time and dry them. Swimming pool water may contain a small amount of fungi, and it is humid on the ground around the pool and is susceptible to fungi contamination.

Increased body immunity • A balanced diet: A balanced diet helps to maintain a normal body immune function. Food with vitamins, minerals and proteins, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, skinny meat, fish, beans, etc., is consumed. Vitamin B is good for skin health and can eat more of the vitamin B-rich foods, such as wheat bread and oats, and enhance skin resistance to fungi. • Adequate exercise and rest: to maintain an appropriate level of exercise, with a minimum of 150 minutes of aerobics per week, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., which promotes blood circulation and enhances overall body immunity. At the same time, ensuring adequate sleep, quality sleep of 7 – 8 hours per night contributes to the restoration and restoration of body organs and immune systems and makes the body more resistant to fungi intrusion.

V. Actively treating other hyenas, if other parts of the body are suffering from hyenas, such as gills, gills, etc. Fungi can spread in different parts of the body and it is likely that if it is not treated in a timely manner to other parts of the body, it can spread to the point where the foot and the foot cause it. In the course of treatment, the medication is strictly prescribed by the doctor to ensure a complete cure and prevent recurrence. The above-mentioned multi-faceted preventive measures can effectively reduce the risk of the occurrence of hand and foot, and protect the health of the skin.