Prevention of Pneumococcal Infection

Pneumococcal infections are a serious health problem that can cause a wide range of diseases, including pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis, especially among children, the elderly and populations with low levels of immunity. In our daily lives, we can take a range of measures to effectively prevent streptococcal infections. Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent streptocyccus infection. There are currently pneumococcal vaccines for different age groups, such as a combination of pneumococcus for children and sugar for adults. For children, timely vaccination against pneumocococcal combinations in accordance with immunization planning procedures can provide them with good protection. These vaccines can stimulate the emergence of antibodies in infants and young children and prevent invasive diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis and so on. Adults, especially the elderly, people with chronic diseases and those with low immunity, should also be considered for pneumococcal sugar. Such vaccines can help to increase body resistance to pneumococcal and reduce the risk of infection. 1. Handwashing is an important measure to prevent the spread of diseases. Washing hands with soap and running water, especially before meals, after exposure to public goods, after coughing or sneezing, should be done carefully to ensure that hands are clean. When you wash your hands, you wash your fingers, your nails, your wrists, etc., for at least 20 seconds. 2. Maintenance of oral hygiene Oral hygiene is closely related to respiratory health. The maintenance of mouth cleanness, regular brushing of teeth and mouths reduces bacteria in the mouth and reduces the risk of pneumococcal entering the respiratory tract through the mouth. 3. Avoid exposure to sources of infection and minimize exposure to persons with respiratory infections, such as flu and pneumonia. If contact is necessary, wear a mask to keep a distance and reduce the chances of infection. During the high-prevalence flu season, access to densely populated, air-traffic sites, such as malls, cinemas, etc., is minimized. 1. A balanced diet. A reasonable diet is the basis for maintaining good health and increasing immunity. Adequate nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, should be guaranteed. Eat more fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, skinny meat, fish, etc. to avoid over-ingestion of greasy, spicy, irritating food. Appropriate motion. Appropriate exercise increases body immunity and improves body resistance. Selecting the manner of exercise that suits you, such as walking, running, swimming, yoga, etc., and maintaining a certain number of sports per week. Motion intensity needs to be moderate to avoid excessive fatigue. Sleep is an important period of physical recovery and restoration, and adequate sleep increases immunity and prevents disease. Adults should be guaranteed 7-8 hours of sleep per day and children and adolescents need more sleep time. It is necessary to develop a good sleep habit, to keep regular working hours and avoid staying up late. Long-term stress affects the body’s immune system and increases the risk of infection. Learn to relax and take effective ways to relieve stress, such as listening to music, reading, tourism, etc. Maintain a good mind and actively face the challenges of life. 1. Maintaining indoor ventilation. Influencing indoor air tends to breed bacteria and viruses, increasing the risk of infection. At least twice a day, the window is open for at least 30 minutes each time. 2. Regular cleaning of the home environment. Regular cleaning of the home environment, including the ground, furniture, windows, etc., can reduce the growth of bacteria and viruses. The home environment is sterilized with disinfectants, especially during the high flu season. 3. Take care of personal hygiene. Personal effects such as towels, toothbrushes, utensils, etc. are regularly cleaned and disinfected to avoid cross-infection. Do not share personal effects such as towels, toothbrushes, etc. In sum, the prevention of pneumonia streptococcal infections requires a multidimensional and integrated approach. Vaccination, maintenance of good hygiene practices, immunization and attention to sanitation are effective prevention methods. Through our joint efforts, we can reduce the risk of pneumonia streptococcus infection and protect ourselves and the health of others.

Pneumococcal pneumonia