Cardiovascular diseases are common diseases affecting the health of people today, characterized by rapid morbidity and high mortality rates, and active prevention and treatment are key to reducing patient mortality and ensuring patient safety. This paper provides an overview of preventive drug strategies for heart disorders, and it is hoped that it will help many patients.I. What’s a heart disorder?There are natural pacemakers in the heart of the human body, and the cylindrical knots can generate electric impulses and transmit them to various parts of the heart, prompting the heart and the heart to produce rhythmic contractions, thus completing the transmission of blood. An anomaly in the frequency, rhythm, origin, speed of transmission, etc. of heart impulses is a heart disorder. Clinically based on the principles of morbidity, they are divided into two categories, one based on impulse abnormality, which is dominated by cardiac abnormality and transferal abnormality, and one based on impulse abnormality, which is dominated by physiological abnormalities, pathological abnormalities and room-to-room abnormalities. Different types determine different treatments. In clinical terms, heart disorders are both a stand-alone disease and a clinical symptom of other cardiovascular diseases, so the pre- and post-natal quality of patients is affected by multiple factors.II. Status of heart disorders, causes of morbidity and high-risk groupsThe main group suffering from heart disorders is the elderly, who account for about 3.4 per cent – 4.3 per cent of hospitalised elderly persons, who have been hospitalized as a result of heart disorders, which have been increasingly threatened in recent years by younger groups with increased stress on life and changing lifestyles.The causes of heart disorders vary, and even the causes of some cases are difficult to identify under current conditions and cannot be changed. However, after years of clinical research, it has been found that the common causes of cardiac disorders are four main ones, namely, heart disease, such as coronary heart disease, cardiacitis, loss of room spacing, which affects the functioning of the natural pacemaker or conductor system of the heart, hydrolytic disorders in the patient ‘ s body, which affects the normal work of myocardial cells, chronic use of drugs such as ocean yellow, and immunopathy of the patient, which results in cardiac cell damage resulting in the disruption of the internal environment, leading to disease. Older persons, who suffer from basic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, long periods of stress, depression, anxiety, and frequent use of espresso, tea, alcohol, etc., are at higher risk of disease than ordinary people.III. Drug strategy for heart disordersThe principles of the current clinically anti-heart disorders drugs are to reduce heart self-regulation, to correct transmission barriers and to eliminate retortion, so as to achieve treatment. They are divided into four main categories based on the Electrophysiological effects of the drug, as follows:1 Sodium-channel retardants: Such drugs reduce the power level through calcium channels in the heart muscle and heart conductor systems, which slows down the speed of the transfer, should not be prolonged, and the stressory repolar process slows down. The drugs are represented and used as follows: Lidocaine: 1 mg/kg, I.V. in five minutes, followed by intravenous dripping, at 1-2 mg/min speed. Propatone: The oral dose is administered every eight hours, with an initial dose of 150 mg, and may not exceed 200 mg, depending on the patient ‘ s condition. An intravenous dose of 1-2 mg/kg at 10 mg/min.2. Beta receptor retardant: The drugs cut off the beta adrenaline receptor, contributed to the rise of the level of the electricity and inhibited the tea phenolamine. Melotore is a common drug that is administered twice a day at a maximum of 100 mg. An IVP is completed within five minutes and can be administered three times every five minutes at a total dose of 15 mg.3 Potassium channel retardants: The drug may extend the time of the action level and the duration of the active impurity, thus extending the time of the repolarity. On behalf of the drug, iodone was injected with an intravenous dose of 150 mg within 10 minutes, and the same dose could be injected again in 10-15 minutes, followed by an intravenous drip at 1.5 mg/min for six hours.4. Calcium route retardants: The drug slows down point activity by blocking the flow of calcium ion and inhibits the conductive system. On behalf of the drug, there is a fear of Vera and oral treatment is performed every eight hours at 120 mg/day, with a maximum dose of 480 mg/day.SummaryThe paper provides a general overview of heart disorders and their causes, and provides an overview of commonly used drugs, how they are administered and how they are administered. It is hoped that the reader will have some knowledge of the drug in question in order to improve prevention and treatment. The number of drugs with arrhythmia is currently high and their mechanisms vary widely, so that the best treatment strategies are chosen in the context of the condition and state of health.
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