Protecting Health: A Guide for Young People with Poor Health

Hello, young friends of the community! Perhaps you often feel that you’re not in good physical condition, and fear that you will be “stalked” by the disease as soon as you are careful.

Let’s start with the habit of everyday life. Regularity is of the utmost importance, and the physical harm caused by staying up late is so great that, especially for friends who are not physically good, it further weakens the resistance of the body and gives the fungus a chance. Therefore, every effort should be made to ensure that they sleep and get up on time every day, that they have a reasonable time schedule, that they can sleep for seven to eight hours each day, that they can slowly recover their body and become more immune and better able to cope with the invasion of alien pathogens.

It has to be dieted. To ensure nutritional balance, it is like providing adequate “ammunition” to the body’s defence forces. More protein-rich food, such as skinny meat, fish, beans, eggs, etc., is an essential component of body cell repair and of the proper functioning of the immune system, helping to build a solid body line. At the same time, it is important not to forget the abundance of vitamins and minerals that are a good source of fresh vegetables and fruits, such as oranges, spinachs and carrots, which help to metabolize the body, enhance the activity of immune cells and make it more capable of being infected. In addition, to minimize the consumption of spicy, greasy, irritating and sugary foods, which can disrupt the internal environment and affect the normal work of the immune system.

Moderate physical exercise is also crucial to improving physical quality and preventing infection. Although we are not in good physical condition, we can start with more moderate sports, such as walking, yoga or Tai Chi. It lasts about 30 minutes a day, slowly increasing the strength and duration of the exercise as the body ‘ s ability to adapt increases. Sport promotes blood circulation, provides timely access to nutrients in all parts of the body, and allows for more active “patrol” of immune cells, which can be quickly eliminated if bacteria are found. Moreover, after the exercise, the mental state of the whole person becomes better and the quality of sleep often increases, which further adds to the resistance.

In the area of personal hygiene, good habits must be developed. Hand-washing is one of the simplest yet most effective anti-infection measures, and hands are carefully washed with liquid water and soap after lunch and when they come back from out, and each part of their hands is carefully washed for at least 20 seconds, so that we can remove the large amount of bacteria that is contaminated with our hands, which is exposed to too much every day. Care should also be taken to keep the living environment clean and clean, to clean the rooms regularly, to ventilate, to keep the indoor air fresh and to reduce the opportunities for disease growth and accumulation.

When you go out, you can’t be less defensive. In densely populated places, such as malls, buses, etc., it is important to regulate the wearing of masks, which can effectively prevent the spread of the disease and significantly reduce the risk of infection. In addition, to the extent possible, travel to places where the air is not circulating and where people are overcrowded, and if necessary, to maintain appropriate social distance from others to reduce exposure to the fungi.

Our young friends in the community, although we are not in good health, can gradually increase their resistance and keep the infection far from us if we start with these aspects, with a little change in life habits and daily protection. Let’s act together to protect our health and embrace a better life!