Proximate spinal disease treatment meeting target: a path to hope for health

It is a hidden and devastating disease, yet, through scientifically sound treatment strategies, patients can effectively control their condition and improve their quality of life.

Treatment compliance is first based on an accurate diagnosis. Patients should be treated in a timely manner when there is pain in their backs, rigidity, especially in the morning, which is visible and lasts for more than three months. It is clearly diagnosed by means of blood tests (e.g. blood sunk, C reaction proteins, HLA – B27, etc.), video tests (X-line, CT, MRI imaging) and the right direction for subsequent treatment.

Drug treatment is central. As a first-line drug, such as Brophen, non-synthetic anti-inflammation drugs can rapidly reduce inflammation and pain, improve the function of the joint of the patient and improve the comfort of life. For those with a relatively high rate of progress or a poor response to inflammation, rheumatist drugs such as nitrous sulfon play an important role in the pathology of the disease and in slowing its deterioration. Biological agents, on the other hand, are the “circulars” of treatment, which precisely target inflammation factors, significantly lessening symptoms and inhibiting development. However, in the course of the use of drugs, there is a need to pay close attention to the adverse effects and to regularly review the relevant indicators, on the basis of which doctors adjust the doses and types of drugs in a timely manner.

Rehabilitation is essential for the treatment to be achieved. Routine motion keeps the spinal and joints active and prevents them from being straight. Swimming, for example, can reduce the spinal burden while working on the body of muscles; some stretching in yoga also helps to maintain spinal flexibility. In addition, simple day-to-day exercise, such as deep-breath training, spinal stretching, etc., can help patients to strengthen their muscles and stabilize their spines.

Psychological support is also crucial. The long course of direct spinal disease and the potential risk of disability can easily give rise to anxiety and depression. A good mental state is the “catalyst” for treatment to meet standards, and patients can reduce their psychological stress by communicating with their patients, counselling and so forth, and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude towards treatment.

Regular assessment is also an important guarantee of access to treatment. Patients are required to visit the hospital on a regular basis, and doctors judge the effectiveness of treatment by assessing the pain level of the patient, the function of the joint, the inflammation indicators and the evolution of the image. If treatment does not work optimally, treatment programmes can be adapted in a timely manner to ensure that treatment remains on track to meet standards.

In short, the achievement of a high level of vertical spinal disease treatment requires a combination of measures such as drugs, rehabilitation, psychological support and periodic evaluation, which will result in a comprehensive system of treatment management, so that patients are not lost on the path to combating the disease and are moving forward towards the goal of health.