In this delicate and complex “house of life”, the heart is like a constant engine driving the blood cycle of life. However, some life begins with a “innate defect” in the heart — a congenital heart disease that enters the world and opens a difficult journey with disease and rejuvenation through medicine.
I. Explore the source of “heart disease”
Precipital diseases are not a single disease, but are a broad generic description of a heart structure at birth and an abnormal vascular development at birth. From simple, such as loss of room space, loss of room space, etc., there is a “breathhole” in the blood flow, in the moving heart spacing; to complex, such as the “traffic image” within the heart, which combines a narrow lung artery, a lack of room spacing, an aorta cycling, and four large deformities of the right heart chamber.
II. Causes
The cause is the “web of disease” where genetic and environmental factors are interwoven. Small mutations of genes, chromosomal chromosomal abnormally burys “the roots of the disease”, and this is a difficult problem when pregnant mothers are exposed to rubella virus, over-exposed radiation, and take specific degenerative drugs, such as “throwing stones” during critical stages of embryonic heart development, disrupting the process of precision and “misdirecting” heart development.
In the past, congenital heart disease diagnosis relied heavily on the noise in the doctor’s heart’s “bong-bong” sound, which was like catching an abnormal “colour” with electrocardiograms to find traces in the electric waves, but that was not in the heart.
Today, ultrasound becomes a “suspect-forward” and ultrasound through the chest cavity, strangling the heart structure, splitting the valves and moving blood to the point where there is no more, and where there is no more, and where there is no less, it can be located; and the MRI and computer fault scans (CT), which perform a “3D map” of complex malformations from different dimensions, are like targeting targets, laying the cornerstones, and “rehabilitating battles” for the disease.
Upgrade of the “weapons arsenal”
Traditional Surgery: Heart “precision” battlefield: Open heart surgery was used to treat “middle-flowing poles” and doctors opened their chests to the heart, stitching missing and deforming the deformities on a “pumper” and repairing the gears within a precise clock. In the case of in vitro cycling, for example, there is a short stop to the heart and the doctor’s hands are sewn to the “breathhole”, reinforced by a patch that restores the integrity of the “wall” of the heart, with each needle and every line filled with a focus and certainty on life-restructuring, and “corresponding clear” for a complex heart condition, albeit large and slow.
Intervention in treatment: Micro “heart” breakthrough: intervention in treatment is visible as the medical microbreath “to the east wind” blows. The catheter intervention appears to be a “heart agent” operation, “penetrating” the heart from the outer veins, blocking the damage with a specially designed blocker, or extending the narrow veins and valves with a ballbag. There is a lack of space for small rooms, a “precision landing” with a clinching tube, which opens for release and “closes” a gap within minutes, which allows the patient to move out of bed a few days after the surgery, with only the size of the grain, a significant reduction in pain, a reduction in the length of the recovery period, and a “quick formula” for a mild heart condition.
Cross-surgery: a strong combination of “new paradigms”: in the face of a preconception of a complex serious disease, a single art is limited, and a hybrid surgery emerges. It combines the “smuggling” of surgery and intervention with “micro-precision”, which is first processed by a surgeon who corrects some of the malformations, sets up a “surgery framework” and then fine-tunes the intervention with a “missing”. If the treatment is tiring and multiple complex pathologies, the aorta is treated first, then the coronary hysteria is dealt with with in an intervention that combines the two advantages, tackles the difficult problems and widens the “boundary” of treatment.
V. Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation after the “heart” is the key to the “rebooting” of the heart. In the early stages, in the intensive care unit, medical attention is focused on vital signs, the medications are used to help the heart “re-entry” to stabilize; they are transferred to the general ward, where the rehabistants are trained to improve the CPR, from slow deep breath to air-blowing practice, and the breathing muscles are gradually activated and the pulmonary ventilation optimized. At the dietary level, sodium salt is protected from oedema and the supply of high-quality proteins contributes to the healing; at the psychological level, the psychologist calms the patient’s anxiety and is accompanied by his family, who gives “the soup of the heart” to help him overcome his fears and his conviction for recovery, moving steadily on the long path of rehabilitation and returning to normal life.
VI. Frontline Watch
The gene and stem cell “The Dawn” and the medical science “Scrambling Ark” are heading towards a new sea of premeditation. Gene-editing techniques such as “molecular scissors” (CRISPR-CAS9) aimed at “reforming” the path of pathogen-induced genes, with the hope of “correcting” the “direction” of heart development from the source of the embryo, which would disrupt the flow of genes; the treatment of stem cells would be like “seeds of life”, which would induce multi-energy stem cells to split into heart muscles and inner vascular cells, and the transplantation of the heart to “repair damage” and promote the rebirth of the heart muscle, which would light up a “lighthouse” for terminal, persistent pre-cardiology, albeit “daping” between laboratory and clinical trials, but could be expected in the future.
The treatment of congenital heart disease, from diagnosis to recovery, is a long medical journey through thorns, and every breakthrough is the result of a combination of the wisdom, courage and technological power of the doctor. Today, a growing number of “heartless” children, protected by medical care, break free from the shackles of disease and embrace a healthy life. This fight against congenital diseases is taking place in the field of hope, with innovative medicine and forward-looking research, to make the heart of life straddle and shine.
Congenital heart disease