Rheumatism arthritis: the mechanism of morbidity and treatment

Rheumatism is a chronic self-immunizing disease that causes many inconveniences and suffering to the lives of patients. An in-depth understanding of their morbidity and treatment is important for improving the quality of life of patients.

Rheumatist arthritis is more complex. In terms of genetic factors, certain genetic variations increase the susceptibility of individuals to rheumatism. The immune system is activated when pathogens in the environment, such as bacteria and viruses, are invaded. Under normal circumstances, the immune system is able to identify and remove alien pathogens with precision, but in patients with rheumatism arthritis, the immunosuppressive cells suffer from functional disorders and wrongly attack the arthropod tissue. Activating immunosuppressive cells release a large number of inflammatory factors, such as tumour cause of death – alpha, white cell media, etc., which further contribute to the growth of the membrane cell, vascular contusion, erosion of the joint cartilage and bone tissue and, ultimately, loss of joint deformity and function.

Drug treatment is at the core of treatment. Inflammation and swelling of joints, such as Broven, aspirin and so on, can be effective in reducing prostate synthesis by inhibiting the activity of cyclic oxidation enzymes and thus in combating inflammation and pain, but such drugs cannot prevent progress. Improving the state of rheumatizers is more critical, and aminophorus is one of the most common drugs, which can inhibit cell proliferation and immunisation responses and slow down joint damage. In addition, there are similar effects such as fluoride and nitrous sulfon, which usually require joint use to enhance therapeutic efficacy. Biological agents represent a major breakthrough in recent years, targeting specific inflammation factors or immunocellular surface molecules, such as tumour necrosis inhibitors, which can specifically disrupt the effects of tumour necrosis, rapidly relieve symptoms and control conditions, although at relatively high prices and at risk of infection. Sugar cortex hormones can reduce inflammation rapidly in cases of acute or severe disease, but have more long-term use of side effects, usually for short-term, small-dose applications.

In addition to drug treatment, physical therapy and rehabilitation training are indispensable. Physical therapy, such as heat dressing, massages, acupuncture, etc., promotes local blood circulation at joints, relieves muscle spasms and reduces pain. Rehabilitation training, which helps patients maintain joint activity, enhances muscle strength and improves joint stability, including joint exercise, muscle training, etc., needs to be carried out gradually and consistently, under the guidance of professional rehabilitation staff. In the case of patients with severe deformations and severe functional impairments of the upper joints, surgical treatment may be considered, such as the replacement of the joints, which can effectively improve the function of the joints and improve the ability of the patient to provide for himself.

The treatment of rheumatism is a long-term battle, in which patients need to maintain a positive mindset, cooperate with doctors, and adhere to long-term drug use and rehabilitation training in order to be able to effectively control their condition and regain a healthy life.