Rheumatism heart disease

Rheumatism heart disease

Rheumatism heart disease is a heart valve damage caused by a rheumatism fever or repeated onset. The disease is mainly caused by the abnormal immune response caused by group A B streptocyte infection, which produces antibodies that attack not only streptococcus but also the tissue of the heart and so forth, causing cardiac valve disease. Symptoms – The doppelgangers are narrow: they may be non-symptomatic at an early stage, with respiratory difficulties, coughs, crumbs, acoustic noises, etc., in the case of serious cases, they can be aired and acute pulmonary oedema. – Illnesses in the secondary petals: the light are not symptoms-free, the heavier have labour respiratory difficulties, lack of strength, etc., and at a later stage the symptoms of total heart failure. – Constriction of the aortic valves: The common symptoms are respiratory difficulties, arrhythmia and fainting, known as the triad of the aortic valves. – Incomplete arcal valves: early symptoms-free, followed by heart attack, discomfort in front of the heart zone, strong head movement, etc., with late left heart failure. Diagnosis is generally determined through a medical examination (e.g., hearing heart murmurs) in conjunction with patient ‘ s medical history (e.g., history of rheumatism, etc.) and symptoms. Auxiliary examinations include: – Cardiographs: Anomalous conditions such as cardiac disorders can be detected. – Breast X-ray: to understand heart size, morphology and lung. – Supersonic aneurysm: It is of great value in diagnosing cardiac valve disease, with a clear view of its form, structure and blood flow. Treatment – Medicines: – Antibiotics: In the case of rheumatism, antibiotics such as penicillin are commonly used to eliminate streptococcus infections and to prevent further increase. – Urines, such as hydrochloride, which reduce the burden on the heart and the symptoms of oedema. – Angiogens: such as nitrate glycerine, which is used to reduce the pre- and post-heart load. – Powerful: e.g., geocoxin, which enhances myocardial constriction, subject to its toxic effects. – Surgical treatment: – Peralms: applied to some of the less ill valves, which restore them to normal functions. – Venetal replanting: When the respiration of the valve is severe and unrepairable, the artificial respiration may be replaced with a mechanical and biological choice. Patients with rheumatological heart disease are routinely required to take care of rest, avoid fatigue, prevent infection, etc., and are regularly reviewed for timely adjustment of treatment programmes. Rheumatist heart disease can often be combined with cardiac disorders, and the following points are relevant: For example, a narrow doppelganger can increase pressure on the left heart room and expand the left heart room, thereby affecting the normal electrophysic activity of the heart, which can cause heart disorders. Common type – Cardiac tremors: Most commonly, cardiac motor disturbances due to, inter alia, cardiac muscle damage and expansion of the heart room have resulted in irregular tremors and loss of effective constrictive function. Patients have feelings of heart palpitation, chest suffocation, etc., and may also lead to the formation of blood clots within the heart room, increasing the risk of embolisms such as cerebral embolism. – Premature: including room and room. Rwet heart disease causes amphibious blood, anaerobics, or towing in the cardiac cardiac muscles, which can alter the self-regulation of myocardial cells, leading to early paces, signs of heart palpitation, cardiac arrest, etc. – Room transfer retardation: When the heart’s conductor system, such as the cell block, is affected by diseases such as myocardial inflammation, fibrosis, etc., caused by changes in the valves, room transfer retards, delays or interrupts the teletransmission from the heart to the heart room, and the severity of the symptoms varies, and the light person may not have symptoms and the heavy person may suffer from dizziness, blackness or even fainting.

Rheumatism heart disease