Rheumatism arthritis (RA) is a chronic self-immunological disease that mainly affects the glitch of the joint, resulting in pain, swelling and potential joint damage. While drug treatment is a critical part of RA management, drugs alone may not be able to control the overall situation and improve the quality of life. Integrated management strategies, including lifestyle adjustment, physiotherapy and psychological support, are essential for effective management of RAs. The following are some of the key non-pharmaceutical management measures that help RA patients better cope with the disease.
Physical therapy and exercise
Importance: Physicotherapy and moderate exercise can help maintain joint flexibility, increase muscle strength and improve overall functioning. Sport also relieves rigidity and pain and improves CPR health.
Recommendation: 1. Low impact campaigns: such as swimming, cycling and walking, which exert less pressure on joints.
2. Joint activity exercise: maintain the scope of joint activity to prevent rigidity.
3. Power training: empower the muscles around them, support and protect the joints. Extension: improves resilience and reduces rigidity. Working with physiotherapists can help to develop individualised exercise plans to ensure safety and effectiveness.
II. Healthy diet
Importance: Diet plays an important role in managing the overall health of RA. While there is no specific “ruine-wet diet”, certain dietary habits may help to mitigate inflammation.
Recommendation: 1. Ogga-3 fatty acids: such as salmon, mackerel and linen seeds, which are resistant to inflammation.
2. Eat more fruit and vegetables: Provide a rich supply of antioxidants to help combat inflammation.
3. Whole grains, such as oats and rough rice, provide fibre and nutrition.
4. Restriction of processed foods and sugar: Reduction of processed foods and high sugar diets can help control inflammation and weight.
III. Weight management
Materiality: Excess of weight increases additional pressure on joints, especially heavy joints such as knees and hips. Maintaining a healthy body weight reduces the joint burden, relieves pain and improves functioning.
Recommendation: 1. Combining healthy diets and periodic sports: effectively managing body weight.
2. Set achievable objectives: to gradually reduce weight and avoid excessive diet or rapid weight reduction.
Lifestyle adjustments
Importance: Changing lifestyles can help to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.
Recommendation: 1. Quit smoking: smoking can exacerbate RA symptoms and reduce treatment effects.
2. Limiting alcohol: excessive drinking may interact with certain drugs.
3. Adequate sleep: quality sleep helps to restore body and reduce fatigue.
Regular monitoring and medical follow-up
Importance: RA ‘ s pathology and symptoms may fluctuate, and regular follow-up visits help to monitor disease activities and adjust treatment programmes.
Recommendation: 1. Regular medical visits: liaison with specialists in rheumatism and periodic examinations.
Monitoring symptoms: recording symptoms and triggers, helping doctors adjust treatment.
While drug treatment is at the heart of the management of rheumatism arthritis, integrated management strategies can significantly improve the quality of life of patients. By combining physiotherapy, healthy diets and lifestyle adjustments, patients can better control their condition, reduce their symptoms, improve their day-to-day mobility, and through positive lifestyle changes and self-management, they can lead healthier and better lives.
Rheumatism arthritis