Rheumatism, which are the most vulnerable?

Rheumatism is a chronic, systematic, self-immunological disease that mainly affects the joint but may also affect other systems of the body. It is characterized by chronic joint inflammation, which may eventually lead to joint damage and malformation. The most common effect of RA is small joints, especially those of hands and feet, but may also affect other joints of the body.

It’s common.

• Hand joints

Hand-to-hand: These are the joints between hands and fingers. RAs most often affect these joints, resulting in swelling, pain and limited functioning.

Near-end joints: These are in the middle of the finger and are common to RAs.

Wrist artery: Inflammation of the wrist artery can lead to functional impairments and pain in the hand, and can lead to a wristpipe syndrome in serious cases.

• Foot joints

Toes: These are between toes and toes. RA can cause inflammation of these joints, which can lead to walking difficulties and deformation of the foot, such as hammer-shaped toes and toes.

Knees: Knees are one of the largest joints in the human body and are common areas of stress. Inflammation of the knee joint can lead to pain, swelling and restriction of activity, and can lead to the destruction and deformation of the joint in serious cases.

Elbow joints: Inflammation of the elbow joints can result in restriction of joint activities and functional impairments, which, in serious cases, can lead to the distortion of the joints.

Shoulder joints: While shoulder joints are not the most commonly weighed areas of RA, they may also be affected. Inflammation of shoulder joints leads to shoulder pain and restriction of activities.

Hair joints: Helium joints are relatively rare among RA patients, but if they are exhausted, they can seriously affect their mobility.

The hip joint: this joint lies between the hips and the skull, which can cause chewing difficulties and pain in the jaws when it is tired.

Pathological mechanisms

The pathological mechanism of RA is mainly concerned with abnormal reactions of the immune system. Under normal circumstances, the immune system protects the body from infection and disease, but in RA, the immune system wrongfully attacks the glitch (coalmic membrane), causing inflammation and joint damage. The persistence of inflammation can lead to a thickening of the membrane, which forms the so-called “pembrane inflammation”. Over time, this inflammation can erode the cartilage and bones, leading to the destruction and deformation of the joints.

Clinical performance

The clinical performance of RA is diverse and includes, inter alia:

1. Artificial pain and stress: especially in the morning when it occurs or after sitting.

2. Artificial swelling: There is a marked swelling of the joints due to rampitis and screech.

3. Artificial malformations: As the disease progresses, permanent malformations of the joint, such as swan neck deformations and buttons, may occur.

4. All-body symptoms, such as fatigue, fever and weight loss.

Rheumatism is a complex self-immunological disease that mainly affects small joints, but can also be drained and other large joints and systems. Early identification and active treatment are essential to improve the quality of life of patients. The progress of the disease can be effectively controlled and the occurrence of complications reduced through multidisciplinary and integrated management.

Rheumatism arthritis