Screening and phasing of breast cancer
Doctors generally staged breast cancer under the TNM system. TNM systems have a high clinical value for predicting the recurrence of tumours and are more mature risk assessment indicators. TNM systems are used to describe the size of primary tumours and their spread to nearby lymphoma knots or other parts of the body. Tumours (T): the size and location of the tumor; lymph nodes (N): the size and location of lymph nodes in which cancer cells spread; transfer (M): the spread of cancer to other parts of the body. Original tumour (T) Tx: The original tumour cannot be evaluated. T0: No evidence of original tumours. Tis: In situ cancer. T1: The maximum tumour is 20 mm. T2: The maximum tumour > 20 mm and 50 mm. T3: Maximum tumour > 50 mm. T4: Direct violation of the chest wall and/or skin (ulcer or skin knots), regardless of the size of the tumor. Just the real skin in the T4 category. Regional lymph nodes (N) Clinical period: Nx: Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed (if removed). N0: Arealess lymph nodes transfer. N1: Transfer of lymphoma lymphoma on the same side I, II horizontal americ nest, active. N2: Transfer, fix or integrate lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma transfer on the side I and II; or clinical signs of lymphoma transfer on the side of the same side or clinical signs of lymphoma transfer on the side. N3: Transfer of lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma on the same side, with or without I and II lymphoma lymphoma; or clinical signs of lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma on the same side, with or without I and II lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma on the same side; or lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma on the same side, with or without lymph lymphoma. Pathology phase (pN) pNx: Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed (if removed or not removed due to pathological studies). pN0: Organizational check for arealess lymph nodes transfer. pN1: Microtransfer; or transfer of lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma ligature lymphoma lymphoma ligature lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma ligature lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lyc lymphoma lyc lymphoma lymphoma lyc lymphoma lyc lymphoma lyc lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lyc lyc lyc lyc lyc lyc lyc ly pN2:4 to 9 armpit lymph nodes transfer; or an armpit lymph nodes transfer, but an internal breast lymph nodes transfer (clinical signs). pN3: transfer of lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lyc lymphoma lyc lyc lyc lyc lyc lyc lyc Remote transfer (M) M0: no remote transfer of clinical or video evidence. M1: Remote transfers discovered through traditional clinical and video methods and/or tissues confirm that they exceed 0.2 mm. Clinical period: 0: TisN0M0 IA: T1bN0M0 IB: T0N1miM0 T1N1M0 T1M1M0 T2N0M0 IIB: T2N1M0 T3N0M0 IIIA: T0N2M0 T1N2N2M0 T1N2M0 T1N2M0 T1N2M0 T2M0 T2N2M0 T3N0 M0 3M0 IIIB: T4N0 T4N1M0 T4N2M0 IIIC: any T3M0 IV period: any T3M1 clinic room: general breast surgery for the first time. If there is a remote transfer, general reference is made to tumours or breast. Medical examination: First screening for breast cancer, determination of whether the first patient has signs of breast abnormalities (e.g., breast swelling, breast skin change, nipple spills, etc.) and lymphomy knots. Diagnosis needs to be carried out at a later stage in conjunction with other secondary examinations. Video screening Mammoth Targets: The advantage of screening for breast cancer is to look at calcified stoves, especially small calcified stoves (possibly very early breast cancer). Breast ultrasound: Diagnosis for breast cancer and diagnostics for identification can determine the nature of swelling. Young, pregnant and lactating women can be the first choice for video screening. Magnetic resonance imaging of the breast: MRI is used in a phased assessment of breast cancer, which has the advantage of detecting micro-clinics, multi-centres, multi-clinics and evaluating the extent of the disease. (b) Organization of a biopsy: For suspected breast cancer patients, the video science is not clear, and the swelling can be removed together with the surrounding breast tissue and the tissue pathology check. In addition to direct removal, a pathological examination of a small swollen tissue can be performed with ultrasound guidance. Screening of signs of breast cancer tumours: Common screening indicators include serum antigens 15-3 (CA15-3), serum embryos antigens (CEA), serum antigens 125 (CA125), etc., provide additional grounds for the diagnosis of breast cancer and monitor post-operative recurrence and transfer. Immunisation check-ups: Common screening indicators are Ki-67, Her-2, ER, PR, etc., used to identify molecular types of breast cancer and provide a basis for later treatment. The ER/PR positive statement is hormonal-dependent breast cancer, while Ki-67 and Her-2 positives represent a high incidence of tumours and are prone to relapse. Diagnosis: Breast cancer needs to be identified with benign diseases such as breast fibromas, mammary cystosis and mammary mammosis. Adenomas of mammograms: benign neoplasms with a combination of epithesis and fibrous tissues, better for young women. There are often no symptoms other than breast swelling. It’s hard, it’s hot, it’s like a rubber ball, it’s smooth, it’s easy to push. Organization of pathological examinations helps to identify. Incidence of mammary cysts: also known as mammograms, fibrosis, etc., refer to benign diseases associated with cystic cystals associated with cystals in the cavity and glands. The typical symptoms are cyclical mammograms and mammograms on one or both sides, visible before menstruation and reduced after menstruation. Mammoth targets and ultrasound are useful for identification. Plasma cell mammitis: Also known as breast cathode expansion, is a chronic non-bacterial inflammation of the breast. Most are non-lactating women aged 30 to 40. The swellings are often found around the euphoria, strong or hard, with unclear boundaries, not attached to the chest wall, with varying degrees of red, swelling, heat, pain, and mild inflammation of the whole body. Breast cancer is often identified through mammogram cytology.