Silver crumb arthritis is a particular disease that combines the skin problems of silver crumbs with the joint symptoms of arthritis, causing patients to suffer from physical and mental problems.
I. Recognition of silver crumb arthritis The skin of silver crumb arthritis is diverse and common with red crumbs, typical of red specks with clear borders and silver white crumbs that may or may not be itching. Symptoms vary, with a few joint pains, swellings, such as fingers or toes; several joints, such as large joints such as wrists, ankles, knees, etc.; and inflammations of spinal arteries, which cause spinal pain, rigidity and, when severe, affect mobility. From the point of view of the onset of the disease, it is abnormally related to the immune system, with its own immunocellular cells erroneously attacking skin and joint tissues and causing inflammation.
Skin damage not only affects the appearance, but can also cause skin damage and infection, such as scratching. In terms of joints, if not treated in a timely manner, the long-term erosion of the joints by inflammation can result in the destruction of the cartilage of the joints, the growth of the bone, and ultimately the deformation of the joints, which seriously affects the functioning of the body, and the loss of the normal work and life of the patient, such as the inability of the person to hold on to something and to perform writing, holding, etc.; the severe deterioration of the spinal arteries can result in a hunch, restriction of activity, a significant reduction in the quality of life and a heavy psychological burden on the patient.
Diagnosis of silver crumb arthritis The first is the assessment of symptoms, in which doctors ask in detail the timing of skin and joint symptoms, the process of development, the degree of pain, etc. During the medical examination, a careful examination is made of the dermal lesions, the morphology, the activity of the joint, the pain, the swelling, etc. In terms of laboratory tests, blood tests such as blood sank, C-reactive proteins reflect inflammation levels, and tests such as rheumatism factors, anti-accumulator antibodies, etc., help identify diseases such as rheumatitis, and may also examine indicators related to silver crumsis. In the visual examination, X-rays observe structural changes in the joints and any bone damage; MRI shows more clearly the pathology of the joints ‘ soft tissues, slides, etc., and provides a basis for accurate diagnosis.
iv. The treatment of silver crumb arthritis. Inflammatory medications can relieve joint pain and swelling, such as Brophine, Nepson and others, but long-term use may have side effects such as gastrointestinal discomfort. Improved rheumatism control the progress of the disease, such as ammonium butterflies, nitrous sulfon, etc., although indicators such as blood protocol, liver and kidney function are regularly monitored during use. Biological agents, a new drug in recent years, have had a significant but relatively high price and may have increased risks of infection, targeting specific targets for immunisation. Sugar cortex hormones can be used on a short-term basis when the condition is severe, and inflammation is quickly reduced, but it is not appropriate to apply them in large quantities over the long term to avoid many adverse effects. Physical therapy is also indispensable. Artificial exercise keeps the scope of joint activity and increases muscle strength, such as simple joint stretching, walking, etc., with attention to graduality and avoiding overwork. Thermal therapy, such as heat dressing, hot spring baths and infrared exposure, can promote local blood circulation and relieve joint pain and rigidity.
The daily management of silver crumb arthritis is critical to skin care. Keep the skin clean, use the moderate ablution products, avoid overt scratching the skin, and prevent decomposition and secondary infections. The timely application of wet cream after bathing and humid skin maintenance help to reduce the symptoms of scavenging. Eating should be based on the principle of balanced diet, with more fresh vegetables and fruits, vitamins and minerals, and an appropriate increase in food intake with high-quality proteins, such as skinny meat, fish, beans, etc. At the same time, alcohol is not allowed to smoke because smoking and drinking can exacerbate the disease. Psychological adjustment is equally important, as patients are vulnerable to ailments such as anxiety and depression due to the chronic, repeated nature of the disease. To be active in the face of the disease, psychological stress can be alleviated and optimism maintained by communicating with family and friends, participating in mutual assistance activities with patients, and conducting psychological consultations, which will facilitate disease control and rehabilitation.
Although silver crumb arthritis is a more difficult disease, through a comprehensive understanding of it and the active collaboration of doctors in scientific diagnosis, treatment and day-to-day management, patients can effectively control the condition, reduce symptoms, improve the quality of life and live in harmony with the disease.