Silver crumbs, arthritis.

Silver crumbs, arthritis.

Silver crumb arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease associated with silver crumb, with unique clinical characteristics.

I. Causes

1. Genetic factors

– Research has shown that there is a clear genetic tendency for silver crumb arthritis. The mutation or polymorphism of certain genes is closely related to the occurrence of the disease. For example, the human white cell antigen (HLA) – B27 gene is positive among some silver crumb arthritis patients, and the risk of silver crumb arthritis among the population carrying it is relatively high.

Immunization factors

– Anomalous immune systems play a key role in the development of silver crumb arthritis. There was a disorder in the patient ‘ s immune components such as lymphocytes and cytogens. Overexpression of inflammatory cell factors such as tumour causes of death – α (TNF – α) and white cellulin – 17 (IL – 17) has led to joint rinsitis, bone damage and dermal silver crumbs.

3. Environmental factors

– Infection is one of the environmental factors that can induce silver crumb arthritis. For example, streptococcal infections can trigger the immune response of the organism and contribute to the occurrence of silver crumb arthritis among genetically sensitive individuals. In addition, mental stress, trauma, etc. may affect the development of the disease to some extent.

II. Clinical performance

1. Symptoms of joints

– Silver crumb arthritis can be severed with multiple joints, including the outer and spinal cords. When external joints are exhausted, the common manifestation is asymmetrical small joints, such as pain, swelling and rigidity of fingers, toes and joints, which can be seriously deformed and affect joint functions. Scrub stress can lead to a pattern of direct spinal disease, with symptoms of back pain, rigidity and restricted mobility.

Skin symptoms

– The disease of silver crumbs in the skin is one of the important characteristics of silver crumb arthritis. Typical skins are red spots, scabs, which are good for hair on the scalp, elbow, knee, etc. Skin diseases can occur before joint symptoms, after joint symptoms, or both.

3. Nasal lesions

– About 80 per cent of the patients with silver crumb arthritis suffer from a manicular disease, such as dents in their fingernails, stripping and thickening. Fingernail changes can sometimes serve as early diagnostic clues for silver crumb arthritis.


Clinical assessment

– The doctor will make a preliminary determination based on the patient ‘ s clinical performance, such as the symptoms of the joint, skin symptoms, and changes in the nails. Detailed information is provided on the patient ‘ s medical history, including the history of the family with silver crumbs, the symptoms of joint pain, the development of skin disease, etc.

Laboratory inspection

– Indicators of inflammation such as blood sank (ESR) and C – reaction protein (CRP) may rise in blood tests. The rheumatist factor (RF) is usually negative, which helps to identify with rheumatism.

3. Visual inspection

– X-ray examination reveals changes in the contour gap, bone damage, bone increase, etc. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound tests are important for the early detection of arthritis, muscular adjunctitis, etc.


1. Drug treatment

– Non-activated anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be used to alleviate symptoms such as joint pain and swelling. The improvement of rheumatoids (DMARDs) such as ammonium butterflies, fluorine, can control progress. Biological agents such as TNF-α inhibitors, IL-17 inhibitors, etc. have shown good therapeutic effects in the treatment of silver crumb arthritis, especially for patients with more serious medical conditions who are less responsive to traditional medications.

Physical therapy

– Physical therapy includes thermal therapy, massage, rehabilitation training, etc. Thermal therapy relieves joint pain and stiffness, massage helps to improve local blood circulation, and rehabilitation training empowers the muscles around the joint, improves joint stability and improves joint function.


– Surgical treatment, such as a joint replacement, may be considered when the late joint malformation seriously affects the joint function.

In general, silver crumb arthritis is a complex disease requiring early diagnosis and treatment to control progress and improve the quality of life of patients.