Standardized treatment of fungus fungus infection: safeguarding gastrointestinal health

In the area of diseases of the digestive system, the infection of the cholesterol (Hp) is high and closely linked to stomach inflammation, stomach ulcer and even stomach cancer. It is important to be aware of its normative treatment for the maintenance of gastrointestinal health.

I. Identification of “hidden enemies”

The fungus coli is a geranium vaginal fungus with a spiral or S, arc, microaerobic, very demanding for the growing environment, often contained in the human stomach and the mesquito. Through its spiral structure, it can easily drill through the mucous layers of the surface of the gastric mucous membrane, settle in the upper skin cells of the mucous membrane and avoid an “attack” of gastric acid. It also produces ammonia through the release of urea enzymes, decomposition of urea, central and gastric acids, and creates a viable micro-environment, thereby causing continuous damage to the gastric mucous barrier and inflammation.

1. Exhale test: This is the most common non-intrusive test method, including carbon – 13 exhale and carbon – 14 exhale. When urea capsules containing specific carbon-marked atoms are administered, the urea enzymes produced by the urea in the stomach break down the urea, produce marked carbon dioxide, and then the gas is extracted and analysed by the detection instrument, which, if the test value is above normal range, can determine the infection, which is pain-free and easy to apply to most primary screening patients. 2. Stomach lens: It has both diagnostic and active pathological analysis functions. When doing the gastric lenses, doctors visualize the mucous form of the stomach, and if unusual conditions such as inflating blood, sulfur and ulcer are detected, it is desirable to organize a biopsy, to find chromosomes of the circulus, and to determine the severity of the gastric disease, which is particularly important for people over 45 years of age who have symptoms of ingestion, stomach pain, vomiting, etc.

iii. Exact “offer” strategies. Once the infection has been diagnosed, the treatment is urgent. Proton pump inhibitors, americium combined two antibiotics, are currently being promoted for 10 – 14 days. Proton pump inhibitors: Omerazole, Lansolazole, etc., which act on a genocidal micropipe consisting of the top membrane of the stomach wall cell and a tube-like bubble of the cell, inhibit gastric acidics, create a relative alkaline environment for the function of antibiotics, and increase the effect of fungicides, usually emptied in the abdomen one time a day. 2. Selenium: The adhesive fruit glycol is a common representation, formed in a gastric acid environment, covering the ulcer, decomposition, gastric acid insulation, and gastroprotease erosion of the gastric mucous membranes, as well as assisting in antibacteria, promoting mucous membrane restoration, and three meals half an hour before meal and before bed. 3. Antibiotics: Amosilin, Kracinin is a classic combination, which prevents bacterial protein synthesis by inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial cell walls, Kracilin disrupts the synthesis of bacterial proteins, both of which combine to attack the claustrospirosis, usually 3 – 4 times a day in Amosilin, 2 times a day in Kracin, after eating and reducing gastrointestinal irritation.

The cure “follow-up guarantees”

Upon completion of the treatment, the re-examination of the exhalation test or the gastroscope examination is required for more than four weeks to determine whether the fungus of the cholesterol is eradicated. If the treatment fails, the reason for the analysis may be that the patient is subject to a poor, irregular or bacterial resistance, with the replacement of the type of antibiotics, the adjustment of the treatment programme and the appropriate interval between 3 and 6 months. After the patient has recovered, attention must also be paid to the prevention of relapses, the promotion of public chopsticks and meal-sharing to avoid oral transmission, food hygiene, non-cool food, reduction of the “back-to-back” opportunities of the fungus coiler, and long-term protection of gastrointestinal peace.