Rheumatism (RA), a common chronic self-immuno-disease, mainly infringes on the arthropod, leading to joint malformations and loss of function, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients. In recent years, its treatment has made significant progress in many areas.
I. Drug treatment
CsDMARDs: This is the cornerstone for rheumatism treatment, of which amamamite is the most widely used. It works through a variety of mechanisms, such as inhibiting cell proliferation, which can effectively control progress and mitigate arthritis. However, there are limitations to csDMARDs, such as the relatively slow effect, which usually takes weeks or even months to see a clear therapeutic effect, and the possibility that some patients may have adverse reactions, such as carbamate can cause gastrointestinal discomfort and liver function damage.
Biological agents: This is a major breakthrough in treating RA. Tumour cause of death (TNF)-alpha stressants are the first biological agents to be used, such as Adamu, Ignasip, which combine TNF-alpha in a unique way, disrupt their inflammation effects, are more effective and have a significant effect on the abating of joint symptoms and the slowing of joint damage. Other biological agents, such as white cellulose (IL)-6 stressants, were then applied to clinically. However, the high cost of biological agents and the risk of infection during their use, such as tuberculosis, require close monitoring.
3. Small molecular targeting of drugs: In recent years, small molecular targeting of drugs such as JAK inhibitors has developed rapidly. Such drugs are routed by inhibiting the signal of Janus hormonal enzymes in the cell, interfere with the creation of inflammatory cytological factors, have the advantage of oral convenience and have a relatively rapid effect, and provide new options for patients with poor or unsatisfied traditional medicines. However, its long-term security remains under further observation.
II. Non-pharmacological treatment
Physical therapy: including thermal therapy, cold dressing, massage, acupuncture, rehabilitation training, etc. Thermal therapy promotes the local blood circulation of joints, relieves pain and stiffness; rehabilitation training helps maintain joint activity, enhances muscle strength and is important for improving the function of joints and self-care of patients.
2. Surgical treatment: Surgical treatment may be considered for patients with advanced severe joint deformities, severe impairment of function and ineffective conservative treatment. The most common forms of surgery are tectomy, joint replacement, etc. The membrane amputation removes the mundane mundane tissue and mitigates arthritis, while the membrane is effective in improving joint function and the quality of life of patients.
III. Challenges and prospects for treatment
Despite the results achieved in the treatment of rheumatism arthritis, some challenges remain. The first is the individualization of treatment, where the response of different patients to drugs varies considerably, requiring more precision in the design of treatment programmes that are appropriate for each patient. Secondly, the long-term safety and acceptability of drugs still required further study, particularly with regard to new drugs. In addition, treatment costs are high and some patients cannot afford long-term standard treatment.
Looking ahead, as medical research continues, it is expected that more efficient, safe and economical treatments will be developed. For example, through a deeper understanding of disease-related mechanisms, new and more targeted medicines have been developed and front-line technologies, such as genetic treatment, have been used to address fundamental immunisation anomalies. At the same time, increasing patients ‘ awareness of and compliance with diseases is an important part of improving the effectiveness of rheumatism treatment.
In general, the treatment of rheumatism is constantly evolving and improving, but to achieve better treatment, there are still many difficulties to be overcome and innovations explored.
Rheumatism arthritis