(i) The definition of ecstasy and the cause of ecstasy are more common diseases in respiratory and ecstasy clinically, where failure to provide timely treatment can lead to ecstasy or even ecstasy, and effective anti-infection treatment is essential for the rehabilitation of patients. Cervical cavity infection is the inflammation response of the thoracic tissues affected by bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. The common causes include lung infections, chest trauma, surgery, etc. Clinical conditions are common among people with low immunity levels, such as systemic red weeds, AIDS and diabetes, and are more vulnerable to infection. The pupus is a serious manifestation of thoracic infection and is the result of internalized sepsis of the thorax. In virulent bacteria are often pneumocococcal, grapeoccus, crebella, tuberculosis bacterium, fungi, etc. (ii) The classification and characteristics of the puss can be classified as acute and chronic puss, depending on the length of the procedure. The key to the treatment of acute chest abscess lies in the control of infection and the discharge of thorax. First, as far as possible, adequate and sensitive antibiotics should be selected on the basis of microbial sensitivity tests. Second, thoracic piercing and withdrawal fluids or thoracic closed-flow operations are important methods of ejecting thoracic puss. In addition, as a result of the high consumption of abdominal breasts, intestine or intestine nutrition support should be provided to promote the physical recovery of patients. Chronic chest treatment requires the selection of appropriate treatments, taking into account the specific circumstances of the patient. On the one hand, it is necessary to improve nutrition and resilience and to improve the health of patients by eating more protein, vitamins and, if necessary, blood transfusions. On the other hand, puss flow is an important treatment. At the same time, surgical treatment, such as pleural fibreboard deformation, pectrophagus and pleural pulmonary ectopyectomy, is available on a case-by-case basis in order to maximize the lung function of the patient. (3) Anti-infection treatment for thoracic infections1 and treatment for symptoms: In cases of respiratory difficulties in patients with thoracic cavity infection, adequate oxygen treatment is required. In the process of taking oxygen, patients should strictly follow medical instructions and do not remove the oxygen catheters themselves. Coughing, coughing and thoracic infections are treated with coughing drugs. Cough caused by lung infections, such as if the patient is dry, can be treated with accelerants such as dioxypropazine hydrochloride and right methadone, and can be used with accelerants such as ammonium bromine, thalastane and mist inhalation. 2 Antibacterial treatment: chest cavity infections also require active anti-infection treatment, lung infections are mostly caused by bacterial infections, and the empirical use of antibiotics such as head estrogens, penicillin, etc., can also be combined to enhance anti-infection effects, using such combinations as Achicin in the Great Ring of esters or a left oxid fluoride, while actively improving relevant examinations such as curation, bacterization of chest water and selecting sensitive antibiotics such as Zarasilin, Mosisasa and thitarams, and, in the case of viral infections, active antivirals such as Ostave, Libaverin, etc. For tuberculosis pleural cough, general treatment (s rest, nutrition enhancement, etc.), anti-tuberculosis treatment (e.g. application of lifoping, isophopins, acetamine, etc.) and treatment of the symptoms (e.g. thoverin, bromine hydrochloride, etc.) can be used. Fungi infections are oral or partially applied against fungi. In the case of viral pleural cough, where self-healing occurs, it is important to treat the symptoms, such as rest, adequate nutritional intake and water supplementation, to help with physical recovery. Depending on the severity of the disease, antiviral drugs, antibiotics (prevent bacterial infections) and antithermal painkillers, such as Ostave for influenza viruses, antibiotics for bacterial infections such as penicillin, sepsis, etc., can be used for pain relief and fever reduction. 3. Surgical treatment: In the case of patients with ecstasy, abdominal infection, and abscess, surgical treatment is an important option in cases where the treatment is ineffective. The purpose of the operation was to remove the infected stoves, to induce sepsis and to restore normal physiology to the chest. Specific surgical procedures include pleural fibreboard stripping, chest contours, pleural pulmonary ectopyectomy, etc. Penetration fibres are mainly applied to patients with chronic pepsis, and retrenchment of the lung is facilitated by the removal of increased pleural fibres. The chest contours are formed by the removal of parts of the ribs, which cause the chest convulsions to collapse and compress the cavity to the point of treatment. pleural pulmonary amputation is applied to patients suffering from severe disease and widespread lung damage. Before deciding on surgical treatment, doctors take into account, inter alia, the patient ‘ s medical condition, physical condition and surgical risks. For some patients with complex conditions and high surgical risks, multidisciplinary consultations (MDTs) may be required to develop individualized treatment programmes. After the operation, the patient needs to closely observe the changes in the condition, strengthen care and prevent complications. At the same time, anti-infection treatment and nutritional support continue to be provided to promote physical recovery. (4) It is concluded that thoracic infections and puss are more serious diseases in respiratory and chest surgery, for which early and accurate diagnosis is essential and can be clearly diagnosed in a variety of ways, such as symptoms, signs, blood tests, thoracic perforation tests, chest X-line examinations, lung function examinations and sap smears. In the course of treatment, appropriate treatments are selected according to the type of pathogens, the severity of the condition, etc. In short, early diagnosis, timely and effective anti-infection treatment, the lack of improvement in the plethora closed-flow operation and reasonable surgical intervention are important for improving the health and quality of life of patients with thoracic infections and puss.
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