Sugar Tomb Intestine Conservation Secret: Easily farewell to diarrhoea and constipation

Diabetes, the term that sounds headacheal, not only affects our blood sugar levels, but may also quietly attack intestinal health, causing embarrassing and painful problems of diarrhoea or constipation.

But don’t worry, today we’ll talk about how to properly conserve the intestines so that sugar friends can have free and free every day!

The intestine, the second brain that we ignore, is in fact inextricably linked to diabetes.

Hundreds of millions of microbes live in the intestinal tract, which not only engage in food digestion and absorption, but also affect our blood sugar levels.

When blood sugar is unstable, these microbes can be “maging” and cause intestinal discomfort, such as diarrhoea or constipation.

Therefore, for sugar friends, the preservation of the intestine is the preservation of health.

So how do we keep the intestinal?

In fact, the answer lies in our daily lives.

First, dietary adjustment is key. Feeding more of these fibre-rich foods, such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains, helps intestines to remove garbage and prevent constipation, like “cleaners”.

At the same time, it is important not to forget the value added to the fungi and the value added, which feed the intestinal good, maintain the balance of the fungus and reduce the risk of diarrhoea.

Of course, adequate drinking water is also essential, which helps to soften excrement and to smooth the intestinal tract.

Apart from diet, life habits are also crucial. Maintaining adequate sleep and regularity helps to regulate intestinal biological bells and improves intestinal work.

Appropriate exercise, such as walking, yoga, swimming, can facilitate intestinal creeping, accelerate waste discharge and improve constipation.

In addition, relaxation is an important part of the preservation of the intestinal tract. Long periods of high pressure can affect intestinal health, so try meditation, deep breath or listening to music to relax.

Of course, we also need to learn to deal with emergencies such as diarrhoea or constipation. In case of diarrhea, oily, irritating foods are avoided, electrolyte beverages are replenished to prevent dehydration; in the case of constipation, do not overexhaust, try to bathe in warm water and relax the intestinal tracts, or use a light laxative recommended by a doctor. The preservation of the intestine requires patience and care.

Fellas, let’s act together today, in the right way, to rejuvenate our intestines and enjoy every day of health and happiness!