Symptoms and treatment of feet

Tinea Pedis, commonly referred to as “Hong Kong Foot” or “polymer”, is a common skin disease caused by skin fungi infections. The acupuncture is more contagious and is transmitted mainly through direct or indirect contact (e.g., the sharing of footwear, towels, etc.). The disease is more common in wet, warm environments, especially in summer or in long-term inhaled footwear. The acupuncture not only affects the quality of life of patients, but can also cause complications such as secondary infections. More details on the symptoms of the acreage and how to combat it are presented.

I. Symptoms of feet

Clinical performance of the acreage is varied and can be divided into the following main types, depending on the type and part of the infection:

(i) Decoration

Symptoms characteristics

Patients’ bottom, heel or foot skin is dry, accompanied by visible decrum and horny increase.

Skin surfaces are rough and may be accompanied by a slight itching or burning.

2. Pathological characteristics

The pathology is longer and the symptoms are usually light, but they can easily be repeated.

(ii) Spraying

Symptoms characteristics

It is common between toes (especially between the fourth and fifth toes) in the form of skin whiteness, impregnation, decomposition with cracks and seeps.

Itches clearly where it’s coming from, and it may smell different.

2. Pathological characteristics

The condition is more acute and is prone to secondary infections due to scratching or friction, and symptoms such as swelling and pain.

(iii) Hydra

Symptoms characteristics

The bottom of the patient ‘ s feet or heel is of different sizes, the wall is thicker and the content is a transparent liquid.

The acupuncture of the aqueous surfaces is followed by severe itching or burning.

2. Pathological characteristics

The conditions are often acute, with increased symptoms due to secondary infections.

(iv) Mixed

Symptoms characteristics

Patients may suffer from multiple types of symptoms, such as crumbs, sorghum and rot, at the same time.

2. Pathological characteristics

The conditions are complex, difficult to treat and can easily be repeated.

(v) Relapsing infections

Symptoms characteristics

If the acupuncture is not treated in a timely manner or if the skin is broken as a result of scratching, there may be a follow-up bacterial infection in the form of red edema, pain, pus seepage, etc.

There is a risk of lymphatic or hive inflammation in serious cases.

II. The treatment and treatment of the feet

The prevention and treatment of the acreage consists of both preventive measures and treatment methods. Science-based prevention and treatment strategies not only effectively control the situation but also reduce the risk of relapse.

(i) Prevention of foot acreage

1. Maintenance of foot cleaning and drying

The feet, especially the toes, are washed each day with warm water, which is thoroughly dried.

Avoid long periods of wet, inhalant footwear, especially in hot or wet environments.

2. Selection of suitable footwear

(c) The wearing of well-ventilated shoes (e.g., shoes, sandals) and the avoidance of long-term wearing of closed shoes (e.g., rubber shoes).

Choosing sweaty cotton socks, changing socks and avoiding sharing shoes with others.

Avoiding exposure to sources of infection

They do not share with others personal belongings such as towels, slippers, towels, etc.

In public bathrooms, swimming pools, etc., slippers are used as much as possible to avoid walking barefoot.

4. Increased immunity

Increased body immunity through proper diet, proper exercise and adequate sleep to reduce the risk of infection.

5. Periodic screening and care

For high-strength populations (e.g. athletes, long-term workers’ boots), the skin condition of the feet should be checked regularly and unusual and timely treatment should be found.

(ii) Feeting treatment

The treatment of foot acreage is based on anti-genoccult treatment, which combines treatment of symptoms with treatment of complications. Depending on the severity of the condition, local or system medicine may be chosen.

1. Local medicine

Antifluent ointment: Tebbiphine, Cromoxin, Econol, etc., can be painted directly on the site of the disease, 1-2 times a day, usually for 2-4 weeks.

Anti-fungella spray or powder: For patients who are sweaty in their feet or who have difficulty plastering, it can be used to prevent relapse.

Angular detachants: For crumbs, softened horns containing aqueous acid or urea can be used to promote drug absorption.

2. Systemic medicine

For patients with serious or partial treatments, oral anti-foulbacterial drugs, such as Ictarconoxin, Tebbiphen, etc.

Systematic drug use is carried out under the direction of a doctor, usually for two to six weeks, with attention to the side effects and taboos of the drug.

3. Supporting treatment for symptoms

Itchatives: For patients with apparent itching, anti-monomethamphetamine (e.g., chlorretra) can be used to mitigate symptoms.

Anti-infection treatment: In the case of secondary bacterial infections, antibiotic ointment (e.g., Momeros) or oral antibiotics can be used.

Physical therapy

For stubborn feet, laser therapy or photodynamic therapy may be used to assist in the elimination of fungal infections.

5. Treatment of complications

If lymphatic or cellular inflammation occurs, timely medical treatment should be provided for anti-infection treatment and, if necessary, hospitalization.

(iii) Treatment care

1. Upholding treatment

The aphrodisiac is prone to relapse and the patient should insist on completing the entire course of treatment, even after the symptoms have disappeared, and continue to use the drug for 1-2 weeks to completely remove the fungi.

2. Avoiding intersectional infections

During treatment, the sharing of such items as footwear, towels, etc., should be avoided to prevent infection or re-infection.

3. Regular follow-up visits

In the case of repeated cases, periodic reviews should be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the treatment and to adjust the treatment programme.

III. Common error zones for ankles

1. Mistake one: the acreage is a minor disease and does not require treatment

If it is not treated in a timely manner, it may cause a secondary infection or transmission to other parts of the body (e.g., armpit, acetate).

2. Misdirection II: Discontinuation of medications when symptoms disappear

Fungi infections are prone to relapse, and the disappearance of symptoms does not mean that fungi are completely eliminated, and it is necessary to insist on medication until the end of the treatment.

Mistrial III: Use of selective or informal drugs

Some partial or non-formal drugs may cause skin irritation or aggravating conditions, and formal drug treatment should be chosen.

Concluding remarks

Foot acreage is a common and persistent skin disease, but with scientific intervention, most patients can effectively control the condition and reduce the risk of relapse. Cleaning of feet, avoiding exposure to infectious sources and rational use of anti-facter drugs are key to the fight against ankles. At the same time, the public should raise awareness of the acreage, avoid neglecting its harm, and receive timely and standard treatment. In the future, as medical technology progresses, the treatment of feet will become more efficient and provide better health security for patients.
