Symptoms of early breast cancer and prevention

In recent years, the incidence of breast cancer has increased, and many patients are very concerned about the treatment of breast cancer, which causes great physical and mental harm, so it is important for women friends to be aware of the symptoms of breast cancer in order to reduce its incidence. What are the early signs of breast cancer?What are the early symptoms of breast cancer?First, if the skin contraction between the glands and the dysentery of breast cancer attacks shrinks, the symptoms of breast cancer in skin depression, such as “inversion”, known as “inver sio”, are early breast cancers, and if breast cancer cells block the lymph tubes, cause skin oedema, orange pelvis changes, skin oedema (inversion), also known as “Orange skin”, are symptoms of late-stage breast cancer.lymphoma swollenness is also a common symptom of breast cancer, with hidden breast cancer, usually based on lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma as an initial symptom and without exposure to breast edema, so mammography cannot be breast-related lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma lymphoma as a common symptom of breast cancer. An armpit lymph knots and collarbones can be transferred to breast cancer. lymph knots and side lymphs on armpits.Most breast cancer patients often find breast painlessness, hard edges, irregular surface quality, and a few breast cancer patients suffer from different levels of pain or are associated with pain symptoms. Patients often misperception of breast inflammation or pre-physic changes, loss of vigilance, delay in diagnosis and treatment.Five ways to prevent breast cancer1. Not to breastfeed or for long periods of time. The data show that the greater the number of breast-feeding, the higher the incidence of breast cancer, the smaller the incidence of breast cancer, and that the number of breast-feeding women is five times higher than that of breast-feeding women.The first wave of menstruation or menopausal advanced doctors at the age of 2 or 13 found that the first wave of girls was usually earlier. There are also – some women who abuse supplements or hormonals to prolong menopause. What is the reason why early tides are delayed and infertility has significantly increased the incidence of breast cancer?3. Repeated and long-term exposure to various types of radiation (multiple radiation, computers, mobile phones, etc.). It is now determined that the incidence of tumours will increase through exposure to ionizing radiation. Tumours are one of the most severe long-term pathologies, exposed to radiation in humans and animals. It may not be overlooked that electromagnetic radiation causes breast cancer.Family history of breast cancer. Breast cancer is a family phenomenon, with first-degree relatives having more than 50 per cent of the disease, and distant relatives having fewer. Epidemiological studies have found that breast cancer is two to three times more likely to happen among patients with breast cancer in their ordinary relatives: one of their mothers and sisters is breast cancer, which is more likely.5. Over-ingestion of obesity or fat. Fat cells can release male hormones and increase the probability of breast cancer in women, leading to obesity. According to statistics from abroad, approximately 40 per cent of breast cancer cases come from the obese population.Breast cancer is a major problem for patients’ friends and is one of the most common diseases of malignant breasts – … In order to be healthy, it is hoped that the best friends of the woman will adopt the necessary care to prevent the occurrence of breast cancer, and will always have to develop good hygiene and eating habits, and will always take measures to prevent breast cancer, so that the risk of breast cancer is kept away from breast cancer.