In our busy lives, health is often a neglected link. Diabetes, heart disease and strokes, three seemingly separate diseases, are inextricably linked. Today, we come to talk about their relationship…
Coronary heart disease: “traffic jam” for heart bloodCoronary heart disease, known as coronary porridge, is the result of the sclerosis of coronary porridge, which leads to narrow veins or obstructions,…
When we mention a change in the ST section on the EKG, many people think of acute myocardial infarction at first, which is the right alert reaction. However, the continued…
As we explore the mystery of heart health, we have to mention a special disease that affects the function of heart convulsion — constriction of the heart. In recent years,…
Our heart is like a fully-powered “house”, in which the heart valve is a “valve” of vital importance. Today we come to understand the importance of heart valve disease and…
The heart is our constant motor, working all the time, transporting blood, providing oxygen and nutrition for our bodies. It can be said that there is any small heart problem…
In the medical field, with the growing awareness of acute kidney disease, a special clinical syndrome - acute kidney syndrome (CRS) - has been discovered. This syndrome is characterized by…