HER2 阳性乳腺癌新辅助靶向治疗后,若有残余病灶,强化处理很关键。可考虑术后辅助 T - D M1,它针对残余 HER2 阳性癌细胞精准打击。用药前全面评估身体状况,尤其是心脏功能,因其有一定心脏毒性。治疗中,按周期监测血常规、心脏指标,出现不良反应及时干预。定期影像学复查,观察残余病灶变化,依据结果调整后续治疗,降低复发风险,提高治愈率。
Her2 Positive breast cancer has the following distinctive characteristics:High risk of relapse transfer: Her2 positive breast cancer is easily re-emergible and transmissible, with a high degree of virulence. HER2 is…
You've got the nerve of a trident.In fact, this conclusion is not an exaggeration, and for patients and their families suffering from trident nerve pains, it is not unusual to…