Know the cure, take the lead. In general, we consider that a clinical cure has been achieved if, after treatment, patients with breast cancer no longer find tumour tissue in…
In the long rivers of life, women are like a flower that blooms, and light every corner of the world with tenderness and tenacity. However, there is a shadow lurking…
Don't let the "unauthorized stop" become a health hazard.Today, infectious diseases are common in life. When symptoms disappear after infection, many feel they are cured and then stop using drugs.…
A 42-year-old male from Guangxi was examined at the local hospital and found a slight increase in the bronchial walls of the front base of the right lower lung, and…
pelvic fluids and pelvic inflammation are two common gynaecology terms, but they are not identical. Many may confuse the two, but in practice they differ in meaning, cause, symptoms and…